The God Who Makes Himself Known: The Missionary Heart of the Book of Exodus (New Studies in Biblical Theology) [Paperback] The Lord's commitment to make himself known throughout the nations is the overarching missionary theme of the Bible and the central theological concern of ... WR ...
That’s where Tartarus came in. The manifestation of the primordial god of the abyss, we mean. Together, Gaea and Tartarus spawned at least thirty giants. There may be more giants out there somewhere, but good luck trying to get them to respond to a census questionnaire. Of the giants we...
The poem narrates a kind of Agatha Christie murder story in a country house. No one, in the end, survives the weekend. When the sun (the light of Reason? the eye of God?) shows up to survey the damage and “tidy up,” he is unable to separate “the assassins from the victims.”...
It is a mistake to imagine that the Greatest Man, the God-Emperor of History and Ruler of Circumstances whose influence reaches to the end of time, will live in the future—in the full flowering of human glory. That man lives NOW, at the tiny bottleneck before the vast explosion, ...
Our Savior, the Light of the world, shines with enthralling beauty, giving us “the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” In addition, he’s privileged us with the honor of reflecting his glorious light to others—the light of his compassionate love, ...
Is it not an indelible image of divine welcome? If so-called “Christians” profess to be shocked at the presence of misfits and outcasts at God’s feast, are not they the true blasphemers against the Love Supreme? The Last Supper has long been one of the most recycled images of Christia...
[v]January 6, the Feast of the Epiphany, celebrates the manifestation of Christ to the world. It is a bitter irony that that date has now been corrupted by the violence, hate and delusion of the insurrection. A similar irony taints the Feast of the Transfiguration, when the brilliant light...
But now it was “My country ’tis of thee” And I sang it out with all my heart… “Land where my fathers died,” I bellowed, And it was not too hard to imagine A host of my great uncles and -grandfathers Stunned from their graves in the Turkish interior ...
(Ahriman)—remained the essentialdogma. All the other gods and angels were restricted to the role of subordinate servants of Ahura Mazdā, whose highestmanifestationon earth was not so much the sun or thesun godMithra(Mihr) but rather the holy fire guarded and attended by his priests. At ...
Ancient Iran - The Hellenistic and Parthian periods: Between 334 and 330 bc Alexander completed the conquest of the whole Achaemenian Empire. (For the story of the conquest, see Alexander the Great and ancient Greek civilization: Alexander the Great.) Al