The Lorax is an animated adaptation of Dr. Seuss’s beloved book. Directed by Chris Renaud and Kyle Balda, the film stars Zac Efron as Ted, a young boy who seeks out the reclusive Once-ler to learn the story of the Lorax, voiced by Danny DeVito. The Lorax serves as a guardian of ...
The Lorax Doodle BookDr. Seuss's furry Earth-lover is on the loose! This Lorax coloring and activity book is filled with more than 100 zany scenes to color and complete and also includes a sheet of stickers. Perfect for creative minds ages 3-7 who...Golden Books...
A+ 所属分类:绘本漫画 作者:Dr. Seuss 书名:The Lorax《罗拉克斯》 英文简介:"UNLESS someone like you...cares a whole awful lot...nothing is going to get better...It's not." Long before saving the earth became a global concern, Dr. Seuss, speaking through his character the Lorax, warne...
The Lorax is a 2012 American computer-animated 3D musical comedy film based on Dr. Seuss' children's book of the same name. It was produced by Illumination Entertainment and was released by Universal Pictures on March 2, 2012, the 108th birthday of Seuss. ...
The Lorax: Yellow Back Book (Dr Seuss Yellow Back Book)In this haunting fable about the dangers of destroying our forests and woodlands, the long-suffering Lorax struggles to save all the Truffula Trees from the wicked Once-ler's axe. (Gardners)Dr. Seuss...
【059】The Day You Begin - Read Aloud Picture Book Brightly Storytime 06:56 【060】Waiting for the Biblioburro - Read Aloud Picture Book Brightly Storytime 08:51 【061】The Little Red Hen Read Aloud Flip-Along Book 04:05 【062】The Lorax - Read Aloud Picture Book Brightly Storytime 18...
The Lorax 作者:Seuss, Dr. 出版社:Random House Childrens Books 副标题:Lorax 出版年:1971-8 页数:72 定价:CDN$ 22.99 装帧:LIB ISBN:9780394923376 豆瓣评分 8.8 15人评价 5星 53.3% 4星 26.7% 3星 20.0% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 评价: 写笔记
Lorax wallpapers (32) Finn and Gil, PIP, The Lorax Los Padrinos Magicos wallpapers (11) Madagascar wallpapers (6) Madagascar 2 wallpapers (27) Madagascar 3 wallpapers (18) Magilla Gorilla wallpapers (9) Marvin The Martian wallpapers (12) Masked Dog wallpapers (6) Max Kralin Dog...
Dr. Seuss' The Lorax has joined the soccer team Las Chivas USA in a good cause for Los Angeles school children in a book reading tour with local radio and Spanish television personalities in the “2012 Read & Score – Bus Tour.”The “2012 Read & Score – Bus Tour” began Monday, Feb...
The Lorax is a forgettable experience because of the lack emotion this movie has. The characters are forgettable and poorly used and they invent a whole new world that wasn’t even in the Lorax book. I enjoyed it, but this movie just adds random future concept elements that don’t suit ...