Custom bir port için ISA Server veya TMG Server üzerinde SSL bağlantı kurulması Network Properties altında Domain sekmesine tıkladığınızda "ISA Server cannot load the property page. Error: 0xc004...
2015.05 [paloaltonetworks] PlugX Uses Legitimate Samsung Application for DLL Sid 2015.04 [freebuf] 恶意代码分析:台湾官方版英雄联盟LoL和流亡黯道PoE被植入远控工具PlugX 2015.01 [jpcert] Analysis of a Recent PlugX Variant - “P2P PlugX” 2015.01 [] A Closer Look at PlugX from League of Legends...
0.253.965: Message Box: Microsoft Certificate Services: An error was detected while configuring Certificate Services. The Certificate Services Setup Wizard will need to be rerun to complete the configuration. The new Certification Authority certi...
2 well are the Wufeng, Guanyinqiao, and Longmaxi formations, in ascending order. The Wufeng Formation is mainly composed of dark-grey, carbonaceous shales with interlayers of siliceous shales and mudstone, containing abundant and diverse graptolite faunas and radiolarians (Fig. 2A,B,D). The ...
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link ...
HattatGroup ("公司"或"组") ispleasedtopresentyouanopportunitytoparticipateasequityandoperationalpartnerindevelopmentoftwolandmarkprojectsintheTurkishenergsector.HemaDışTicaretA.Ş。("SPVHardCoal")andHemaElektrikÜretimiA.Ş。("SPVPowerPlant"),fullyownedsubsidiariesofHattat,aredevelopingthehardcoal...
Analysis of RNA-seq data from wild-type and triple mutant cells revealed that the same genes (Set1 DEGs) were up- and down-regulated under both dark and BL conditions, as shown in the heat map (Fig. 2). This result indicated that previously identified CPF genes10 are not involved in...
Custom bir port için ISA Server veya TMG Server üzerinde SSL bağlantı kurulması Network Properties altında Domain sekmesine tıkladığınızda "ISA Server cannot load the property page. Error: 0xc004...
For the Wufeng–Longmaxi shale, the contents of clay minerals increase from the bottom to the top and reach up to 49.9% in the LM6 interval (Figure 5). Minerals 2022, 12, 1190 Under SEM, dolomite is relatively dark and occurs mostly as regular euhedral crystals (Figure 4d,f). In ...
One interesting phenomenon is an increase in the lattice parameter as a result of the Al6Mn phase precipitation after a long milling time and thus solid solution decomposition during milling. The TEM observations confirmed the presence of a large fraction of fine precipitates in sample A after ...