The Long Dark is a thoughtful, exploration-survival experience that challenges solo players to think for themselves as they explore an expansive frozen wilderness in the aftermath of a geomagnetic disaster. There are no zombies -- only you, the cold, and
Add-Ons PS4 MapThe Long Dark: Tales from the Far Territory -30% $13.99$19.99 Ratings The Long Dark Global player ratings 4.52Average rating 4.52 stars out of five stars from 7716 ratings 7716 ratings 77% 12% 4% 2% 6% Game and Legal Info ...
If you are not comfortable with this type of gradual delivery, we encourage you to wait until the Expansion Pass is completed.TO LEARN MOREA detailed Roadmap and progress status page will be maintained at We also encourage you to participate in our ...
Special page Help Create an interactive map Start by creating a map inspired by a world featured in your favorite fandoms. Add custom markers and categories to visualize locations, items, and more! Learn More Follow on IGTikTokJoin Fan Lab...
新的更新:TALES..Hello players,We have just updated THE LONG DARK toversion 2.25, build 126227.This is the latest Exp
The full Roadmap for the Expansion Pass will be available at in the lead-up to the December launch. Please keep in mind that features and content added to the Expansion are subject to development realities, and may change over time. For more information, please...
The full Roadmap for the Expansion Pass will be available at in the lead-up to the December launch. Please keep in mind that features and content added to the Expansion are subject to development realities, and may change over time. For more information, please...
3回复贴,共1页 <返回thelongdark吧【2017 01.02 新人求助】字母哥的新版本地图,有一块看不懂 只看楼主收藏回复 种豆得瓜 被猎对象 5 入侵神秘湖地图,check WR map,WR好像是蜿蜒河流,check是啥意思 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2025-01-02 15:26回复 ...
The full Roadmap for the Expansion Pass will be available at in the lead-up to the December launch. Please keep in mind that features and content added to the Expansion are subject to development realities, and may change over time. For more information, please...
直接点EXE启动,根据徽章人物map上面那一栏来选择自己的存档 来自Android客户端9楼2018-07-15 12:13 收起回复 柒四幺幺零 砍树之斧 9 来自Android客户端10楼2018-07-15 13:32 回复 9901家大人 翻箱倒柜 6 用了这个,你不会想去改擦枪工具吗,改了擦枪工具,你不想去改负重吗,直接练箭不是更好么 来自Andr...