The Lion’s Song is a narrative adventure game. It is set against the backdrop of early 20th century Austria with every episode following a different character.
"The Lion’s Song" is a narrative adventure game. It is steeped in early 20th century history and focuses on a cast of Austrian artists and scientists with each episode taking a closer look at their intimate struggles with creativity and inspiration. ...
Epic喜加一新游是《狮子之歌(The Lion39;s Song)》一款叙事冒险类游戏, 看看这评测: "引人入胜,气氛十足,行文真诚" - RPS 点评《The Lion's Song》第一章 -RockPaperShotgun "气氛十足,绘画精美" -PC Gamer "...耐人寻味,我们迫不及待地想玩完整个游戏" -Po...
The Lion's Song レーティング&レビュー 80% 批評家のお勧め 81 トップ批評家の平均 OpenCritic レーティング 全レビューを見る(新しいタブで開く) CGMagazine by Lane Martin 9.5 / 10 A moving and earnest independent adventure game. My favorite thing I've played all year. ...
The Lion's Song Mi'pu'mi Games GmbH 官方俱樂部 12+ 輕微咒罵 "The Lion’s Song" is a narrative adventure game. It is steeped in early 20th century history and focuses on a cast of Austrian artists and scientists with each episode taking a closer look at their intimate ...
《狮子之歌(The Lion's Song)》是由Mi'pu'mi Games制作发行的一款冒险解谜游戏,游戏背景设定在20世纪初的澳大利亚,属于那种以剧情引人入胜的作品,因此像素风的画面反而不是最重要的,复古的色调、悉心打造的建筑以及颇有时代感的角色设计都是恰如其分的。
switch《狮子之歌 The Lion's Song》英文版nsz-1.01补丁下载。这是一款冒险解谜游戏,游戏背景设定在20世纪初的澳大利亚,属于那种以剧情引人入胜的作品,因此像素风的画面反而不是最重要的,复古的色调、悉心打造的建筑以及颇有时代感的角色设计都是恰如其分的。
狮子之歌手机中文版(The Lion's Song)是独立游戏工作室Mi'pu'mi Games开发的一款充满文艺气息、像素复古风格、剧情故事向的文字冒险手游,该作最具特色的便是当中的原创音乐,本身出色且配合极佳,且很多细节表现上做的很用心,游戏性虽差,但具有现实意义的感悟游戏确实不多了,推荐给大家! 编辑的话(狮子之歌手机中文...
„The Lion's Song: Episode 1 – Silence" draws the player into the life of a talented young composer, Wilma, preparing for her breakthrough concert, the defining moment of her career. Searching for inspiration she escapes from the pressure for suc
The Lion’s Song supports iCloud and iCloud Drive. If you would like to keep up to date with your latest save games, please enable both features in your settings of your phone or tablet. To find out more about The Lion’s Song please visit ...