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受Jorge Luis Borjes的同名短篇小說啟發,《巴別圖書館》將帶領你走進人類滅絕2萬年後的世界。在這個世界裡,先進的機器人統治著一切,但它們對「神秘造物主」的事情知之甚少。這裡的一切都是那麼井然有序,直到機器人們發現了這麼一個圖書館,那裡收藏著有關過去、現在和未來的所有書籍,這也預示了即將而來的騷動。
Inspired by Jorge Luis Borges’ short story of the same name, The Library of Babel invites you to a world 20,000 years after the extinction of humanity. The world is now run by advanced robots, who know very little about their mythical creators. All is well and orderly in a society run...
The Library of Babel is a website created by Brooklyn author and coder Jonathan Basile, based on Jorge Luis Borges' short story "The Library of Babel" (1941).The site was launched in 2015. 巴别图书馆是由布鲁克林作家兼编码员乔纳森·巴西尔根据豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯的短篇小说“巴别图书馆”...
时间有两种,与你在一起的时间和与你分离的时间。 我的上一份工作是在一座图书馆里做管理员。那是一座球形的巴别塔图书馆,由许多六角形的回廊组成。它精确的中心是任何六角形,拥有着远不可及的周长和边缘。这座图书馆是无限、周而复始的。严格说来,我那份工作也是无聊、循环往复的。
Join Ludovik in a 2D Stealth Platformer and Graphic Adventure, as he explores the jungles of a futuristic Babylon to discover the secret behind the Library of Babel’s sudden lockdown
In The Library of Babel, join Ludovik as he explores the jungles of a futuristic Babylon to discover the secret behind the Library of Babel’s sudden lockdown and the mysteries behind their mythical creators. Did you enjoy this video?
A moody, philosophical science fiction story inspired by The Library of Babel and Apocalypse Now Featured in: The MIX Direct Spring 2023 Showcase
Simon, "The Library of Babel," Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 14 (2005) 2181 [hep-th/0505123]; V. Balasubramanian, J. de Boer, V. Jejjala and J. Simon, "The Library of Babel: On the origin of gravitational thermodynamics," JHEP 0512 (2005) 006 [hep-th/0508023]....