Software information The Last of Us Part I - 1080p 120 Hz System information GPU: RX 6600 XT CPU: i3-12100f Driver: Mesa 23.1.6-23.1.2 Linux kernel: 6.4 Wine version: Proton Experimental / Proton GE 8.13-8.11 VKD3D-Proton version: bundled with ProtonContributor Blisto91 commented Aug 24...
Compatibility Report Name of the game with compatibility issues: The Last of Us Part 1 Steam AppID of the game: 1888930 System Information GPU: Nvidia 3090 Driver/LLVM version: Nvidia 530.41.03 Kernel version: 6.2.8.arch1-1 Link to full ...
0 内存或显存不够 筠澹tb 请教下各位8友 我电脑配置是mac m3max 环境容器是crossover的win10 64 打开d3d也跑不动 筠澹tb 1-28 3 美末2那个法院出来了,还能回去不?训练手册忘记拿了,其他探索 巴尔多连 美末2那个法院出来了,还能回去不? 训练手册忘记拿了,其他探索区域都去了,就差圆顶教堂。现在...
The simplest way to create a device and a swap chain is as follows: // return value -> what the hardware supports D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL MaxFeatureLevel = D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0; // we are asking for DirectX 10 support here D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL FeatureLevel = D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0; 3 ...
The goal and aim of this renderer is to be as accurate as the software renderer, but with additional graphical enhancements. SSAA is by far the biggest standout feature of this renderer. When set to 16x SSAA and high-res scan out enabled, it can eliminate all the shimmering and jaggies...
For Microsoft, the importance of DirectX 12 Ultimate is twofold. First, DirectX has accumulated a lot of new features since its last feature set,feature level 12_1, was defined over half a decade ago. So DirectX has been overdue to package up features introduced by things like NVIDIA’s Tu...
With the introduction of concepts for virtual interaction and digital doubles, a rich scenario has been created for embodied avatars to strive. These avata
Extended version ofEASTL Consistent Memory Managament: on GPU followingVulkan Memory Allocatorand theD3D12 Memory Allocator on CPUFluid Studios Memory Manager Input system with Gestures for Touch devices based on an extended version ofgainput
D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType, UINT Flags, __deref_out ID3D10Device1 **ppDevice ){ HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; static const D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL1 levelAttempts[] = { D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0, D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3, D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_2, D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1, }; for (UINT ...
To generate procedural terrains with a high level of complexity, at interactive frame rates, we look to the GPU. By utilizing several new DirectX 10 capabilities such as thegeometry shader(GS), stream output, and rendering to 3D textures, we can use the GPU to quickly generate l...