women in Chinese culture—one that continually summons up the image of the title: a symbol of the wronged but ever-forgiving wife. In the sheer power of conveying Winnie's secret life in China, Tan once again demonstrates her truly gifted storytelling ability. (Pearl is a less interesting ...
◆ The Kitchen God' s Wife《灶神之妻》 The Kitchen God"'s Wife, instead of focusing on multiple mother-daughter relationships, unfolds the story of Winnie Louie and her daughter Pearl Loui Brandt. The mother' s narrative about her past in China takes up the most leng th...
The Kitchen Gods Wife的创作者 ··· 谭恩美 作者 谭恩美 作者 作者简介 ··· 谭恩美:著名美藉化裔女作家。1952年出生于美国加州奥克兰,曾就读医学院,后取得语言学硕士学位。她因处女作《喜福会》而一举成名,成为当代美国的畅销作家。著有长篇小说《灶神之妻》《灵感女孩》和为儿童创作的《月亮夫人》《...
The Kitchen God's Wife 作者:Amy Tan 出版社:Penguin Books 出版年:2006-09-21 页数:416 定价:CAD 18.50 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9780143038108 豆瓣评分 8.0 60人评价 5星 26.7% 4星 45.0% 3星 25.0% 2星 3.3% 1星 0.0% 评价: 写笔记 写书评
The Kitchen God's Wife 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 读这本书有一种很奇怪的感觉,我想可能是因为这本书用英语讲述了一个中国的故事。母亲用英语对自己不懂中文的女儿讲述了自己在中国的前半生。而对于我,不自觉的要把很多地方“翻译”成中文再去理解。 这是一本写女人的书,各种身世的女人,而书中所有的男人,...
沪江英语提供英文原版小说:谭恩美《灶神之妻》(The Kitchen God's Wife)英语学习资料库信息,包含的英文原版小说:谭恩美《灶神之妻》(The Kitchen God's Wife)相关免费英语学习资料学习信息。
the Kitchen God Festival (灶王节)小年。其他版本:Little Chinese New Year / Xiao Nian Festival / Minor Spring Festival.例句根据个人真实生活编写(情况属实)单词短语速记 每日一词 每日英语听力跟读大学四六级 英语专四专八 雅思 GRE 阅读 写作 日常积累。#学习笔记#考研英语#英语单词速记 ...
The Kitchen God’s Wife0 Patricia P. Chu’s Assimilating Asians: Gendered Strategies of Authorship in Asian America (New Americanists) (2000) explores the increasingly important role of Asian authors in America and the ways in which they employ traditionally Western techniques to tell their storie...
to mythical roots and symbolical structures. Through a gender analysis of Tan's resistant inversion of the Kitchen God's Wife tale, I shall point out a feminist search for a more equitable system of signification and stress the incongruities and vulnerabilities of adopting phallocentric frameworks...
The Kitchen God's Wife《灶神之妻》是美国华裔女作家谭恩美创作的第二部小说。小说文本是关于中国“母亲”的故事。“母亲”身边的两位“姐妹”人物贯穿于“母亲”的一生,同悲喜,共命运;为抗争父权文化,她们并肩作战,为在强势的美国主流文化之中站稳脚跟,彼此保守着不能言说的秘密。《灶神之妻》被美国文艺界称为...