The King’s Affection A young woman discovers that she's the secret twin of the crown prince, though she was abandoned at birth. She sacrifices her identity to take the place of her brother, pretending to be him for the sake of her country and her loved ones. Genre: romance, sageuk...
With some really strong setup behind us, and a whole lot of story ahead, I’m looking forward to seeing more — particularly how Dam-yi, who seems to have adjusted to her princely role quite well, will cope when she must confront the man that will capture… the king’s affection....
Prince Moon-sung makes it out unscathed. One of my favorite relationships in the whole show is his adorable friendship with the queen, and at every turn he’s shown wisdom and bravery way beyond his years. I think he’d make an excellent king eventually — I just hope that, if that’s...
The King’s Affection A young woman discovers that she's the secret twin of the crown prince, though she was abandoned at birth. She sacrifices her identity to take the place of her brother, pretending to be him for the sake of her country and her loved ones. A young woman discovers...
Anyway, she has to know the clock is ticking once she becomes King and she has to get out. There's a third optional choice; abdication. She can abdicate in favour of her stepbrother. If she does this, she has to ensure she isn't assassinated on the way out. I'm sure the step...
The King’s Affection A young woman discovers that she's the secret twin of the crown prince, though she was abandoned at birth. She sacrifices her identity to take the place of her brother, pretending to be him for the sake of her country and her loved ones. Genre: romance, sageuk...