JNHA 英文缩写JNHA 英文全称The Journal of Nutrition,Health and Aging 中文解释国际营养与衰老研究学会 缩写分类机构组织 缩写简介The International Academy Nutrition & Aging presents here its objectives,area of activities,executive and operational committees' members as well as main current actions....
《营养、健康与衰老研究》期刊论文The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging 2016 Volume 20 Page 420-427 下载积分: 5000 内容提示: 420IntroductionProteinuria is an independent risk factor for primary glomerular disease (PGD) progressing to end-stage renal disease. In spite of recent immunosuppressive ...
A major aim of "The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging" is to contribute to the improvement of knowledge regarding the relationships between nutrition and the aging process from birth to old age.P M LührmannM Neuhäeuser BertholdSpringer ParisJournal of Nutrition Health & Aging, 14(2): ...
期刊简称J NUTR HEALTH AGING 参考译名《营养、健康与老龄化期刊》 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向医学-NUTRITION & DIETETICS营养学;GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY老年医学 The journal of nutrition, health & aging《营养、健康与老龄化期刊》(月刊). There is ...
There is increasing scientific and clinical interest in the interactions of nutrition and health as part of the aging process. This interest is due to the important role that nutrition plays throughout the life span. This role affects the growth and deve
JNHA 英文缩写JNHA 英文全称The Journal of Nutrition,Health and Aging 中文解释国际营养与衰老研究学会 缩写简介 The International Academy Nutrition & Aging presents here its objectives,area of activities,executive and operational committees' members as well as main current actions....
JOURNAL OF NUTRITION HEALTH & AGING是一本衰老与营养学交叉的期刊,这本杂志的影响因子已经实现了连续四年的增长,当前已经是一本5.8分的期刊。除了影响因子不断上涨外,期刊的自引率也在不断下降,总体而言呈现出稳中向好的态势。此外,这本期刊的审稿速度也是一大亮点,一审时间普遍在2天,文章最快2个月便可被接受...
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging focuses on the interplay of nutrition and health throughout the aging process. As of January 1st, 2024 this ...
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There is increasing scientific and clinical interest in the interactions of nutrition and health as part of the aging process. This interest is due to the important role that nutrition plays throughout the life span. This role affects the growth and development of the body during childhood, affec...