游戏界面那个一列选项有discord可以进 来自Android客户端5楼2024-12-01 07:22 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示4回复贴,共1页 <返回theisle吧发表回复 发贴请遵守贴吧协议及“七条底线”贴吧投诉 发表 保存至快速回贴 ...
简单谈谈几个关于目前..1.不久前discord上filipe策划(此人是the isle制作组的首席程序员)曾肯定过一份确定要出的恐龙名单,如下:肉食:霸王龙,棘龙,南方巨兽龙,鲨齿龙(没错),高棘龙,恐鳄,似鳄龙,异特龙
Official Discord Availability•Link SourceDRMNotesKeysOS Steam Game data•Link Configuration file(s) location•Link SystemLocation Windows%LOCALAPPDATA%\TheIsle\ Steam Play (Linux)<SteamLibrary-folder>/steamapps/compatdata/376210/pfx/[Note 1] ...
所以我最终做了一些改变,使单亲家庭成为可能。我也花时间研究一些将在这次更新后出现的东西。我不想过多地剧透,但它与某种恐龙的运动有关,你可能已经在我们的Discord频道看到过一些预告。(按最近的消息,不是伤齿就是北票) 11楼2022-07-01 13:58 回复 ...
The Isle is intended to be a gritty, open-world survival horror game. Explore vast landscapes of dense forest and open plains, traverse treacherous mountains and wade through dark swamps where horrors lurk. Hidden within are ruins that hold insight as to what came before. Through it all, keep...
Link to this page: Facebook Twitter Dictionary browser? ▲ Apple fly apple fritter apple geranium apple green Apple Islander Apple Isle apple jelly apple juice apple maggot Apple midge apple mint apple nut apple of discord apple of his eye ...
theisle测试服,萌新求队友 epni59 萌新求队友,能晚上一起玩theisle测试服的。 有愿意的私信我。 epni59 11-24 0 阿修罗外服正式服来人 目前五人常在线 地狱也有... 不论是新手还是老司机都可来 私我发yy给你 一起打老外 一起打smoke 地狱也有... 11-21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 下一...
Open an issue in the Discord or Github, and I will try to assist you with the problem if possible. For full support visit the project homepage and open an issue there: How do I get a logcat? There are two ways: adb logcat or Location ...