[译] The Illustrated Transformer Zewei Chu 一切言论仅代表我自己51 人赞同了该文章 本文由原作者于建民授权转载,原文链接。 前言 翻译一篇非常赞的解释Transformer的文章,原文链接。在之前的文章中,Attention成了深度学习模型中无处不在的方法,它是种帮助提升NMT(Neural Machine Translation)的翻译效果的思想。在本...
【图解Transformer】《The Illustrated Transformer》by Jay Alammar http://t.cn/RrljmHW
The illustrated Transformer Transformer是一种使用Attention机制类提升模型训练的速度的模型。该模型的最大优势在于其并行性良好。Transformer模型在Attention is All You Need中被提出,代码在Tensor2Tensorpackage中实现,以及一个guide annotating the paper with PyTorch implementation。 1. A High-Level Look 至此为止,...
https://jalammar.github.io/illustrated-transformer/ The Annotated Transformer http://nlp.seas.harvard.edu/annotated-transformer/
Here we begin to seeone key propertyof the Transformer, which is that the word in each position flows through its own path in the encoder. There are dependencies between these paths in the self-attention layer. The feed-forward layer does not have those dependencies, however, and thus the ...
BERT的基础集成单元是Transformer的Encoder。关于Transformer的介绍可以阅读作者之前的文章:The Illustrated Transformer,该文章解释了Transformer模型 - BERT的基本概念以及我们接下来要讨论的概念。 2个BERT的模型都有一个很大的编码器层数,(论文里面将此称为Transformer Blocks) - 基础版本就有12层,进阶版本有24层。同时...
自动总结: - Eric Jang分享了Elana Pearl关于Illustrated AlphaFold的推文。 - 推文包含了一个链接,可以了解AlphaFold3的工作原理。 内容: RT @ElanaPearl The Illustrated AlphaFold https://t.co/i65yxiS03o Do you want to know how AlphaFold3 works? It has one of the most intimidating transformer-based...
a本文根据变电工程各设备的特色分别建立了主变压器、配电装置和土建部分等三个部分的LCC评价模型 This article according to changes the electricity project various equipment the characteristic to establish the main transformer, the power distribution equipment and the construction part separately and so on three...
aThis forging process is schematically illustrated in Fig. 18-2. It can be used to produce complex 3-D shapes having a greater accuracy than closed-die forging. The specially manufactured dies contain the negative of the forging to be produced. In one form of the process,the shape is obtai...