The basic types of homilies for children are: narrative homily, dialog homily and visualizing homily. The form of the homily should be adjusted to the children's minds. Also the sacred character of liturgy whose integral part is the homily remains an important determinan...
The new Kansas City chapter of the Catholic Medical Association arranged with the help of the Order of Malta a commemorative Mass of Our Lady of Lourdes at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Kansas City, Missouri, in February this year. Concelebrants included Archbishop Joseph F. ...
An Annunciation Homily February 25, 2021byFr. Peter Stravinskas On this solemnity which celebrates the high-water point in the history of salvation, permit me to explore with you three Latin expressions. 1. Verbum caro factum est [The Word became flesh]. We find this line, of course, in...
It is a powerful memorial—and a painful reminder. For the mass deportation in France was not simply the act of bad Germans upon an innocent French population. It was theFrenchpolice who went door to door, rounding up Jews and dissidents. And though there were many French people who resist...
A Homily for Advent 3 (Year C)—People of faith abide in a different story, a story where death does not have the last word, a story where Love wins. To say that God will save us is to belong tothatstory, and to live accordingly. And what are the fruits of faith’s life-shaping...
The article offers information regarding the homily preached by Monsignor (Msgr.) Andrew R. Wadsworth on the feast of Saint Peter and Paul at the Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City, Utah. It says that St. Peter was rescued by an angel sent by God that led him to freedom. It...
Paragraph 52 says: “The homily is to be highly esteemed as part of the Liturgy itself.” The Council called for a greater effort to have good homilies and I think the effort has been made. Whether the homilies are better or not, you can judge for yourselves. Paragraph 53 says that the...
5. Homily Guests are seated while the priest interprets the gospel. This is also known as the sermon, where the priest gives a speech about marriage and says a little bit about the couple's union. 6. Rite of Marriage (Vows) The Catholic Church has its own set of vows, no embellishmen...
bread. This bread is God's help, and it is food for the life, and food for the soul, and God gives it to all those who obey His laws.» In a couple of passages in Homily i/ii Orm originally described the table with shewbread in the Temple in Jerusalem. He did not, however,...
Faulkner, somewhat belated in his animosity, seized the opportunity to read a homily upon the vulgarity and extravagance of the American language, and argued that the introduction of its coinages through the moving-picture theatre (Anglais, cinema) "cannot be regarded without serious [Pg015] ...