Through the power of the Holy Spirit, believers are saved, filled, sealed, and sanctified. The Holy Spirit reveals God’s thoughts, teaches, and guides believers into all truth, including knowledge of what is to come. The Holy Spirit also helps Christian
[13] These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. [14] But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, b...
1 Corinthians 2:13 NKJV – These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. Most plagues are caused by the sins of humans. The arrogance of humans. They are created by humans. The sun, the ...
Day 358 (Dec. 24): God is light, live as Jesus did, love your brothers and sisters, remain faithful in what you have been taught from the beginning so you may inherit eternal life, the Holy Spirit teaches truth, eagerness to know who we will be when Jesus returns keeps us pure, if ...
“When I read my Bible, when I pray, when I listen to preaching, the Holy Spirit teaches and ministers to me and comforts me, rebukes, instructs, corrects me–whatever it is that I need. But I can tell that the Holy Spirit of God is working in me.” And he said, “When somebod...
1 Peter 1:2 – we are sanctified by the Holy Spirit – 1 Thess. 5:23 – the very God of peace sanctifies you wholly. II. The Holy Spirit is a Person Luke 12:12 – the Holy Spirit will teach you in that hour what you ought to say. He (the Holy Spirit) teaches the faithful...
Not only does the Holy Spirit intercede for the faithful, “he also teaches us how to intercede, in turn, for our brothers and sisters,” by praying for the sick, those in prison and others, he said. “This prayer is particularly pleasing to God because it is the most gratuitous and ...
The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is a person. Jesus never referred to “it” when He was talking about the Holy Spirit. In John 14,15 and 16, for example, He spoke of the Holy Spirit as “He” because He is not a force or thing but a person. The point is especially ...
Humanism seduces, the Holy Spirit teaches His disciples. We abide in Christ and Him alone! Global peace plan As we can see now, the emergent churches are a tangled web of deception. Fuller Theological Seminary, Peter Drucker, Bob Buford, Rick Warren, all the evangelical churches in America....
The Spirit teaches John 14:26;1 Cor. 2:13 The Spirit speaks Acts 8:29; 13:2 The Spirit makes decisions Acts 15:28 The Spirit grieves over sin Eph. 4:30 The Spirit overrules human actions Acts 16:6–7 The Spirit searches the deep things of God and knows the thoughts of God 1 Co...