摘要: 60年代,High Line最南端的一部分铁路已经被废弃——从Gansevoort Street直到Clarkson Street,几乎是整个High Line的一半长度。1980年,最后一列货车从High Line驶过,三节车厢里装满了冰冻的火鸡。 项目名称:美国纽约高线公园 (The High Line in New York City) 位置:美国,纽约 项目名称:纽约高线(High Line...
The High Line, New York CityTina Barry
•项目名称:高线公园第一部分(TheHighLine,Section1)•项目地点:美国纽约市(NewYorkCityUSA)曼哈顿区西部 第一部分:甘斯沃尔特街第20街 •设计单位:詹姆斯科勒事务所(项目负责方)和 DillerScofidio+Renfro建筑师事务所,美国纽约市(JamesCornerFieldOperations(projectlead)andDillerScofidio+Renfro,NewYork...
独特的铺路,种植,家具,照明和社交空间创造了一个真实和难忘的纽约市体验。 High Line被广泛认可是一个巨大的成功,并表明了在城市创造新的和新鲜的公共空间的价值。 As the project lead for the High Line, Field Operations led the design and construction of this 23 city block-long elevated railway reclaime...
The High Line, elevated park and promenade built on an abandoned freight rail line on the West Side of Manhattan, New York. Its first section opened in 2009 and the final section in 2014. When it was completed, the High Line occupied 22 of the 41 blocks
△纽约市天际线 摄影:本学会人员introduce高线公园High Line高线公园是一条贯穿纽约市曼哈顿西区的绿色走廊,是建于弃用的纽约中央铁路西区线一个高架桥上的线型空中花园。总长 2.3 千米,距离地面高度约 9 米,沿途穿过 22 个街区。公园将各街区联系起来,为城市绿化树立了新的标杆,全新创造了一种占用城市的新视角,...
Text by Daan Heijn - - The High Line in New York is an example of the city’s redeveloping its older infrastructure into public space. In the 1930s a train ...
THE HIGH LINE THE HIGH LINE is a New York City park built on a 1.45–milelong elevated 1930s freight rail structure on Manhattan’s West Side. It is managed by the non-profit organization Friends of the High Line under the jurisdiction of the New York City Department of Parks & ...
TheHighLine——纽约高架铁路公园 .BPRaErAkDAPaPnTaDlyESs2iIsGN 目录CONTENTS 1 历史展示 2 地理位置及总平面 3 一期工程 4 二期工程 5 三期工程 6 .结束语 BPRaErAkDAPaPnTaDlyESs3iIsGN 1 1847:TheCityofNewYorkauthorizesstreet-levelrailroadtracksdownManhattan’sWestSide.(地面铁路)1851–1929:Somany...