1、Unit Two The Fine Art of Putting Things Off,Questions for Discussion,In what sense is the word “art” used in the title? Do you think the beginning of the essay is effective? Why? Why does the author refer to visits to the barber as Faustian encounters”(para.2),Questions,Whats ...
unit2thefineartofputtingthingsoff高清正版分享.ppt,Unit 2 The fine art of putting things off Discussion If you are going to submit your English composition by the end of next week, will you start writing it right now or wait until the night before the dea
李观仪新编英语教程第六册 Unit 2: The Fine Art of Putting Things Offby 文库LJ佬2024-06-04 CONTENTSIntroduction to ProcrastinationUnderstanding the Psychology of ProcrastinationStrategies for Overc
TextITheFineArtofPuttingThingsOff MichaelDemarest DetailedAnalysisoftheText Para.5 echelon:alevel/rankinanorganization/society e.g.theupperechelonscorporatedynamics:公司运行机制/动力 dynamic:adj.sb.fullofenergy e.g.Thenewpresidentisadynamicandableman.c.f.thedynamics:motivatingforcesthatcausechanges.e.g.the...
1、1Unit 2 The fine art of putting things off2 Discussion If you are going to submit your English composition by the end of next week, will you start writing it right now or wait until the night before the deadline? Does it make you comfortable to do so?3 1. Procrastination is the...
UnitTwoTheFineArtofPuttingThingsOff 1 QuestionsforDiscussion Inwhatsenseistheword“art”usedinthetitle?Doyouthinkthebeginningoftheessayiseffective?Why?Whydoestheauthorrefertovisitstothebarber…as‘Faustianencounters”(para.2)2 Questions What’sthetopicsentenceofpara.3?Howdoyouunderstandthetheword“Blessedly...
“puttingthingsoff”afineart? Doyouthinkheisserious? Thetoneofthewritingisamixtureof theseriousandthehumorous.Please identifyhisshiftsintonefromoneto theother? 5 QuotationsfromLordChesterfield Bewiserthanotherpeople,ifyoucan, butdonottellthemso. ...
内容提示: The Fine Art of Putting Things Off March 15, 2010 About the title The best skill or method of delaying things. Art (here) —skill or method 拖延(v) 拖延(n) 拖延者 delay delay delayer; postpone postponement postponer; ...
The Fine Art of Putting Things Off 2011年度河南省高等学校精品课程《高级英语》(ANewEnglishCourse,Book6)UnitTwo TheFineArtofPuttingThingsOff Lecturer:HuangHuihui Copyright:HenanUniversityofTechnology2012 I.Warming-up Testyourprocrastinationfactor!Lookatthetraitslistedandcirclethenumberthatmostclearlyresemblesyour...
Unit 2 The Fine Art of Putting Things Off 2021-11-01 20:33:2061:03 29 所属专辑:高英课文 喜欢下载分享 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 1 Unit 2 The fine art of putting things off最后一段 172021-11 2 Unit 8 Appetite 3-5 122021-11 3 Unit8 ...