In short, we can say that the COVID-19 pandemic has added an extra layer to the complexity of the EE-EI estimations. With empirical results obtained so far taking us even further away from a consensus concerning the relationship between EE and EI, we consider that understanding how context,...
The main result revealed that perceived barriers impact sustainable entrepreneurship more during business startups. Likewise, perceived risk significantly affects sustainable entrepreneurship. Instead, government support has substantially mediated the relationship between perceived risk and sustainable entrepreneurship...
Pediatric thyroid carcinomas are also more likely to present with extrathyroidal extension [5] and regional lymph node and distant metastases (frequently, pulmonary) and carry a higher risk of recurrence [6], though children are “much less likely to die from disease...than are adults” [3]...
mainly due to extended periods of drought. The present research postulates a novel and alternate hypothesis concerning the archaeological chronology of human habitation in the Kharga Oasis from ancient eras, predicated on the analysis of pictorial depictions on rock surfaces. The findings of this study...
Understanding the simultaneous demands on women’s time for basic survival, and the trade-offs made between time allocated to food production, food preparation, income-generating activities, home maintenance, and care of children and other members of the household, is essential for understanding the ...