when downloading perl for windows, two options including activestate and stawberry are available, recommended to go for activestate, as it contains tools such as Perl for Win32, Perl for ISAPI, PerlScript, Perl Package Manager, etc, and strawberry one provides extra module like CRAN click throu...
The mentioned relations reflect the subjective decision maker’s point of view as to whether the value on the right-hand side of the operator is much greater or much smaller than the value on the left-hand side and therefore whether the alternative a is balanced regarding criterion j or not...
Cancer is a disease of genes, driven by the occurrence of gain-of-function mutations in oncogenes and loss-of-function changes in tumor suppressor genes, which results in inappropriate cell survival and proliferation [175]. Thus, somatic genetic alterations affecting the sequences of specific genes...
PBB might have first been recorded in the late 1940s [25], or it might date back to the early 1950s, where performance measures were calculated to accent efficiency [26]. Even though PBB has been determined to comprise a broad range of approaches by various academics, the initial idea was...
Part, F.; Greßler, S.; Huber-Humer, M.; Gazsó, A. Environmentally Relevant Aspects of Nanomaterials at the End-of-Life Phase—Part II: Waste Recycling and Disposal (Nanotrust Dossier No. 044en—April 2015); Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung (ITA): Wien, Austria, 2015. [...
Although there is some benefit to current occupations, mitigating procedures are in place that nearly negate the personnel’s exposure; the primary benefit of continuing to study the effects of oxidative stress on cells is for the next push in space exploration. The purpose of this paper is to...
Several drugs which are easy to administer in outpatient settings—antivirals, human monoclonal antibodies, and immunomodulatory agents—have been authorized and recommended for high-risk COVID-19 patients with mild–moderate disease to prevent hospital admission and death, complementing COVID-19 vaccines...
Currently, the selection of weakened trees is made intuitively based on the forester’s experience (e.g., selecting so-called weakened trees for felling based on the crown’s appearance). However, when droughts occur (and they are becoming more frequent and longer), many trees that belong to...
Such combination ARV/behavioral interventions for children with HIV in resource-constrained settings should also be initiated as early as possible in children’s development, as younger HIV+ children also have the greatest potential to benefit from early interventions in the hopes of preventing further...
L-kynurenine (L-KYN) is an endogenous metabolite, that has been used as a neuroprotective strategy in experimental models. The protective effects of L-KYN have been attributed mainly to kynurenic acid (KYNA). However, considering that L-KYN is prone to o