Tablets Nos. 1& 2Prague Philharmonic Choir、Manfred Honeck、Czech Philharmonic Orchestra、Lukas Vasilek The Death of Enkidu GilgameshPrague Philharmonic Choir、Manfred Honeck、Czech Philharmonic Orchestra、Lukas Vasilek InvocationPrague Philharmonic Choir、Manfred Honeck、Czech Philharmonic Orchestra、Lukas Vasilek...
The Epic of Gilgamesh. Cantata on the Words of the Old-Babylonian Epic for Soloists, Speaker, Mixed Chorus and Orchestra, H. 351: Gilgamesh (Tablets 1, 2)Marcela Machotkova、Jiri Zahradnicek The Epic of Gilgamesh. Cantata on the Words of the Old-Babylonian Epic for Soloists, Speaker, Mix...
Poem tells the story of Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, and his friend Enkidu Together, they go to the Cedar Forest and defeat Humbaba, its guardian Tablet gives a description of this forest, which is rare in its level of detail It was discovered when a museum in I...
二(C“) 忧虑前途的恩启都和吉尔伽美什继续对话。 [恩启都的]眼里噙满泪水, 【我没看错吧。。。】 他的内心[感到苦痛], [于是重重地(?)]叹气唉声。 【这泥马双鱼座的吧!!!】 [恩]启都[的眼里]噙满泪水, 他的内心[感到痛苦], [于是重重地(?)]叹气唉声。 【你以为double一下就能琼瑶阿姨那样的...
The Epic Of Gilgamesh Part 1: Gilgamesh Gilgameš (Chorus, Bass) 5:19 Člověka Neznal Ni Vlast (Chorus, Speaker, Bass, Tenor) 7:19 Já K Tobě Vzhlížím (Soprano) 2:19 I Souhlasil V Nitru Svém (Speaker, Chorus) 2:45 ...
吉尔伽美什是他出生时就拥有的名字, 他流着三分之二天神和三分之一人类的血。 是天上的神母描画出他的样子, 然后用极好的泥料完美地塑造出来。 (1)巴比伦和亚述神话中司爱情、生育及战争的女神 (2)传说中七贤给上古美索不达米亚七个城市带来文明。
Miraculously preserved on clay tablets dating back as far as four thousand years, the poem of Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, is the world's oldest epic, predating Homer by many centuries. The story tells of Gilgamesh.s adventures with the wild man Enkidu, and of his arduous journey to the ends...
This ancient Mesopotamian epic is thought to be 4000 years old and may rightly be called the Odyssey of ancient Iraq. It has been placed by literary experts in the ranks of the world's greatest literature. Tablets of the text, some of which date back to the Seventh Century BC, were foun...
THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH is the Ur epic--the hero's journey, quest, and education--inscribed onto damp clay tablets several millennia before Odysseus or the priest of Ecclesiastes found their voices. Sumerian versions of the epic date back almost 5000 years. It is a Bildungsroman of a bad king...