The Empire: Con Lee Mi-sook, Oh Hyun-kyung, Kim Won-hae, Im She-mi. The series looks at the personal life and scandals of a family who have acquired great wealth through their prestigious law firm.
法律韓劇大熱!金宣兒從影廿載在《The Empire:法之帝國》獻出「第一次」
『Empire of Sin 罪惡帝國』) 之最新力作。 系列前作『Surviving Mars』 也在Steam平台上大受好評與支持。 在浩劫後的世界生存下去 設法在世界滅亡後的未來力求生存的 「生存模擬遊戲」。 酸雨和輻射塵等危機將 一次次的試圖摧毀人類的希望。 建立殖民地並為無可避免的威脅作好準備。
43 試問哪個帝國變強盛的部分原因是它位於地中海的附近? In time, those Unconscionable Maps no longer satisfied, and the Cartographers GuildsstruckaMapofthe Empirewhose size was that of the Empire, and which coincided point for point ...
the convenienceof the empireagainst any nationoftheSouth that gets in the way of its policy of domination. 北约对一个没有采取任何战争行为的国家的单方面非法军事侵略,构成令人 遗憾的先例,可被帝国主义随意拿来对付任何企图改变其统治政策的南方国家。
Honourable Members,the fall of theRomanEmpirewaspartly due to its militant policy and partly due to the speculative [...] 各位,羅馬帝國之所以衰 亡 , 除 了因為窮兵黷武之外 , 便是 因為那些古 羅 馬人太 富
The Second Boer War of 1899–1901 between the British Empire and the Afrikaner Boers was at least partly over the rights of miners and possession of the gold wealth in South Africa. 在1899年至1901年大英帝國與阿非利卡人或波耳人的第二次波耳戰爭的其中一個起因便是採礦工人權利及南非黃金財富所...
to create a holy place exclusively for the rule of the Tang Empire with the prestige and ability of the Buddhist palace chaplains; and third, more likely, to use the Buddhist palace chapel as a place to restrict the Buddhist leaders with charismatic personality to prevent those with ulterior ...
在这款开创性即时战略游戏中,你将征服敌人的巢穴,并带领族群穿越危险重重的森林。《蚂蚁帝国(Empire of the Ants)》是一款逼真的第三人称即时战略游戏。你将在游戏中指挥昆虫大军,上演史诗级战斗。
例如 Flannery 和 Marcus 二○一二年的《人類不平等的起源──通往奴隸制、君主制和帝國之路》(The Creation of Inequality: How our Prehistoric Ancestors Set the Stage for Monarchy, Slavery, and Empire),他們提出種種有趣的見解,探討不平等可能是怎麼在人類社會出現,但他們賦予人類史的整體框架仍然清楚吻合...