The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows quotes below all refer to the symbol of The Elder Wand. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ). Chapter Thirty-Five Quotes "And hi...
秒读《哈利波特》7-32 The Elder Wand 老牌魔棒 哈利, 罗恩与赫敏毁掉了伏地魔的藏魂器 - 金杯, 皇冠, 下一个目标就是杀死伏地魔藏魂器巨蛇。 伏地魔与他的蛇是形影不离的, 要灭掉蛇, 就要接近伏地魔。 哈利闭上眼睛, 进入了伏地魔的脑海, 伏地魔已抵达魔校旁的魔乐村, 要召见斯奈普。于是在隐形披风下,哈...
第三十二章: 老魔杖 The Elder Wand | 哈利波特7: 死亡圣器 1 / 27 The world had ended, so why had the battle not ceased, the castle fallen silent in horror, and every combatant laid down their arms? Harry's mind was in free fall, spinning out of control, unable to grasp the ...
9 回复:【疑惑】the Elder Wand 为什么不翻译成“接骨木魔杖”? 老魔杖说明历史很悠久..接骨木魔杖就有点那啥..也没人说哈利的魔杖是冬青木魔杖,draco的是山楂木魔杖的//我是这么理解的》。 作者:不必理睬2009-7-20 21:27 回复此发言 ---呵呵,你把我笑喷了,不过书里面有说哈利的魔杖是凤凰尾羽魔杖 ...
长者之杖(The Elder Wand) mod | 饥荒联机版 这个mod是《哈利·波特》中的长者魔杖。长者魔杖在历史上被称为死亡之棍或命运之杖,是一根非常强大的魔杖。 伤害:34 攻击范围:8 耐久度:无限 法术:召唤冷光(类似于蛇眼杖) 它有一个小的闪电效果。 您可以自定义伤害、攻击范围、装备时的行走速度和法术。
老魔杖(the Elder Wand ),死亡圣器之一,传说中是一根可以使主人战无不胜的魔杖,决斗时可施展出极大的法力,并且持有者可以很容易的施出大威力的魔法。安提俄克·佩弗利尔,格里戈维奇,盖勒特·格林德沃,阿不思·邓布利多,德拉科·马尔福(但德拉科·马尔福没有亲手拿过魔杖), 哈利·波特先后拥有过它。 #伏魔团# #...
Elder Wand这样就有很意味深长的含义了 但话又说回来,翻译成接骨木魔杖 有种闷声发大财的感觉【大雾...
The Elder Wand has also been known as the ‘Wand of Destiny’, a title evocative of the grandeur and power that has enticed so many wizards. Other names have been bestowed upon it through the years. Some were derived from simple translations, such as the ‘Eldrun Wand’, which was the...
【资料】The El..The Elder Wand 老魔杖,接骨木魔杖,又称作死神魔杖、命运魔杖,拥有极强大的威力.死亡圣器之一,持有者凭借该杖可以拥有极大的法力。传承方法是战胜上一任持有者。
I mean, EA has a long tradition of being dumb, or at least not being able to read the room. And they areramping up to lay off 5% of their staff. So they have to give the investors SOMETHING to be positive about, and AI is the magic wand currently. Just say that and Wall Street...