In this landmark BBC series, Dr Iain Stewart tells the story of how our planet works and how, over the course of 4.6 billion years, it came to be the remarkable planet it is today. Examining the great forces that shape the earth – volcanoes, the ocean, the atmosphere and ice – the...
- Missing uniform distribution of earth's radioactivity - Solar system formation theory wrong too - It is "philosophy", not science, that makes the big-bang claim that the universe has no center - Amassing evidence suggests the universe may have a center - Sun missing nearly 100% of the ...
Why You Should Watch:This gothic-influenced vampire flick starring Saoirse Ronan and Gemma Arterton is full of Dark Romanticism and a depressing atmosphere. The period drama parts are flashbacks. Be warned; this is an explicit vampire film for adults. Content Note:R for graphic violence, gothic ...
Interesting fact about how much ultraviolet light the Sun emits—and the earth’s atmosphere blocks. If you were exposed to solar UV above the atmosphere without any protection (bare skin) for one second, it would kill you. One minute of exposure at the distance of Pluto would a...
Support The Automatic Earth in wartime Make a one-time or recurring Donation. Paypal widget: top of left sidebar (bottom of page on mobile). Or support us on (click top of right sidebar). Address for checks and money orders is on Store and Donations page. ...
Our experts at BBC Gardeners’ World tested the best solar lights, so you can buy with confidence.
It is easy to imagine the moon as an atmosphere-less hunk of rock orbiting Earth. However, while lacking breathable air, our planet's loyal natural satellite companion does have a thin and wispy atmosphere. Chang'e-5 Mission Discovers Significant Water-Rich Mineral in Moon Soil. There's wate...
For example, light traveling through Earth's atmosphere moves almost as fast as light in a vacuum, slowing down by just three ten-thousandths of the speed of light. But light passing through a diamond slows to less than half its typical speed,PBS NOVAreported. Even so, it travels through ...
1. A European spacecraft took off today to spearhead the search for another "Earth" among the stars. 2. The Corot space telescope blasted off aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan shortly after 2.20pm. 3. Corot, short for convection rotation and planetary ...
Fresh air enters via deep air shafts, but despite this the atmosphere in Derinkuyu is close and becomes more humid as the route descends 328 feet (100 meters.) In places the path ducks under low-hanging rock and twists back on itself. Fragments of conversation echo off the walls while the...