Welding processes are a fundamental part of modern engineering manufacturing. The simulation of materials joining techniques requires the application of th
The shortest path was computed using the Dijkstra algorithm, the communities were computed via the Clauset-Newman-Moore greedy modularity m aximization89 and the key residues were computed via the shortest-path betweenness centrality90. The visualization and molecular renderings were produced ...
Balanced Parentheses 平衡括号 Dijkstras Two Stack Algorithm Dijkstras 两栈算法 Evaluate Postfix Notations 评估后缀符号 Infix To Postfix Conversion 中缀到后缀转换 Infix To Prefix Conversion 中缀到前缀转换 Next Greater Element 下一个更大的元素 Postfix Evaluation 后缀评估 Prefix Evaluation 前缀评估 Stack 堆...
A shortest augmenting path from an unmatched node can be found with a slightly modified version of Dijkstra’s algorithm. Let k∈Vr be the unmatched node from which we begin our search for the shortest augmenting path. During this process we discover shortest paths from k to several other ...
A modified Fedorov algorithm is used to calculate the DB-error. Compared to informed designs (smaller variance) and uninformed (greater variance), the semi-informative design for a multinomial logit model gave the lowest DB-error (1.450). The choice experiment is designed with the idefix ...
(i) based on environmental rasters, we computed environmental distance for each branch in inferred and simulated trees. These distances were computed using two different algorithms: the least-cost path and Circuitscape algorithm, the latter using circuit theory to accommodate uncertainty in the route ...
E. & Dijkstra, B. W. The crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis lipase: a minimal alpha/beta hydrolase fold enzyme. J Mol Biol 309, 215–226 (2001). 31. Marks, D. S. et al. Protein 3D structure computed from evolutionary sequence variation. PloS one 6, e28766, doi: 10.1371/journal...
Abstract This article summarizes the progress made in predictability studies of weather and climate in recent years in China, with a main focus on advances in methods to study error growth dynamics and reduce uncertainties in the forecasting of weather and climate. Specifically, it covers (a) adva...
Gatto MPA, Montrasio L (2023) X-SLIP: A SLIP-based multi-approach algorithm to predict the spatial–temporal triggering of rainfall-induced shallow landslides over large areas. Comput Geotech 154:105175 Article Google Scholar Giadrossich F, Schwarz M, Cohen D, Preti F, Or D (2013) Mechanic...
damage to cultivated cowpea, Vigna unguiculata, even when at low population densities due to vectoring of the potyviruses cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (Thottappilly and Rossel, 1985, Atiri et al., 1986, Coceano et al., 1998) and blackeye cowpea mosaic virus (Dijkstra et al., 1987). ...