Define rigorous. rigorous synonyms, rigorous pronunciation, rigorous translation, English dictionary definition of rigorous. adj. 1. Characterized by or adhering to strict standards or methods; exacting and thorough: a rigorous study of the medication; a
Define Rigi. Rigi synonyms, Rigi pronunciation, Rigi translation, English dictionary definition of Rigi. n a mountain in the Alps of N central Switzerland, between Lakes Lucerne, Zug, and Lauerz Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th
On the rigorous definition of superfluidity and superconductivityFatigueAstheniaCancerMethylphenidateModafinilAbstract Without Abstractdoi:10.1007/BFb0013356Takeo IzuyamaJ Clin MicrobiolJournal of Clinical Microbiology
By the definition of identity element, e_2 = e_1 * e_2 = e_1 . \square No element n \in \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\} except 0 has any associated element -n such that n+(-n) = 0 . We introduce them. The resulting set is \mathbb{Z} , the integers....
On the definition of energy for a continuum, its conservation laws, and the energy-momentum tensor We show that both of these equations depend on the reference frame and that, however, they can be given a rigorous meaning. Then, we review the ... M Arminjon - 《Advances in Mathematical ...
This article suggests an activity, called the strip activity, as an instructional method for conceptualization of the rigorous definition of the limit of a sequence via visualization. The article also describes the learning objectives of each instructional step of the activity, and then provides detail...
Rigorous refers to something that's strict or thorough, while Vigorous denotes something full of energy or forcefulness.
We thus conclude that the definition of \mu _F should be considered as an inherent part of the gluon distribution function, rather than free parameter subject to variations.Footnote 8 2.4 Matching the 2 \rightarrow 1 and 2 \rightarrow 2 contributions...
(locked) state for any initial state [1,2]: for a dynamical model of PLL-based circuit in the signal’s phase space the pull-in range corresponds to such frequency deviations that any solution of dynamical model is attracted to one of the equilibria (rigorous definition can be found in [...
Define rigid. rigid synonyms, rigid pronunciation, rigid translation, English dictionary definition of rigid. adj. 1. Not flexible or pliant; stiff: a rigid material. See Synonyms at stiff. 2. Not moving or flexing: rigid muscles. 3. Not changing or adju