The paper concludes that most wealth in existence today originates in technological innovation. Labor and capital play a role, but while wealth has material aspects, it is essentially a form of "condensed" useful information, or knowledge. Its ultimate origin is the human mind. In other words,...
The rapid rise of China has made other top research nations (US, UK, Germany, France, and Japan) gradually lose their shares, first in numbers of publications, then in citations, and now in highly cited works7. The alarms have awakened many governments to take action and reform their R&D...
(Unconverted Men Will Remember This World - Condensed And Adapted To Modern English From A Sermon By Jonathan Edwards) 2014 - 06 - 28 PM 唯有挪亞蒙恩(下) (論《創世記》第83講–SERMON #83 ON THE BOOK OF GENESIS)(But Noah Found Grace - Part II) 2014 - 06 - 22 PM 不要睡覺 – ...
TEXT B Adam Smith and His "Invisible Hand" Theory Adam Smith, the Scottish professor of moral philosophy, was thrilled by his recognition of order in the economic system. His book, the Wealth of Nations (1776), is the germinal book in the field of economics which earned him the title "t...
condensationpolymeriz condensed milk can fi condensed projection condenser lightning a condenser of syntheti condenser optical col condenser tissue mach condenser type potent condenser water syste condensers trouble di condenseraperture condensercapacity condensercoil condensing type drier condensingosteitis condi ...
It is with words as with sunbeams: the more they are condensed, the deeper the burn. 【答案】文字像日光一样:愈精炼,愈有力。 Omit demonstrative it: I don’t think it is he. 【答案】我想不是他。 Omit idiomatic it: You’11 be in for it if father finds out you’ve not been to ...
What took centuries in Britain was condensed into decades in the Soviet Union and other state capitalist regimes, with a corresponding impact on its human toil. However, we will not discuss these acts of state coercion here as we are concerned primarily with the actions required to create the ...
Hall CAS, Klitgaard K (2018) Energy and the wealth of nations: an introduction to biophysical economics, 2nd edn. Springer, New York Google Scholar Hamilton A, Balogh SB, Maxwell A, Hall CAS (2013) Efficiency of edible agriculture in Canada and the U.S. over the past three and four ...
In this review, we have condensed information from various sources on a complex and evolving topic on how we handle our waste with a particular focus on agro-wastes. Finally, it could be concluded that the management of agro-wastes cannot be discussed without referring to the role of water ...
E. Moro, The Minority Game: An Introductory Guide: Advances in Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics (Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2004), p. 263. Google Scholar A. C. C. Coolen, The Mathematical Theory of Minority Games: Statistical Mechanics of Interacting Agents (Oxford University...