The common law parens patriae ("parent of the country") principle vested in Chancery in 1600 empowered courts to award child custody based on the father right principle that bestowed ownership of children on the father. The principle was central to the pater familias structure, protected the ...
The common law has historically been clear - the rights of the unborn do not exist prior to birth. A child becomes a legal person and able to enforce legal rights upon being born alive and having a separate existence from her or his mother. This article assesses whether new developments in...
Appropriate operation of the administrative law requires that the provisions of the Constitution be applied directly by the public administration bodies. These bodies do not have the independent status and the principle of being bound by... FP Miller,AF Vandome,J Mcbrewster - 《Alphascript Publishin...
From the point of view of a judge who has practised in family law for 35 years and sat as a judge for 9 years including 4 years as the Family Presiding Judge for the South Eastern Circuit (which includes Surrey) my perspective on the investigations which took place, the assessments which ...
The High Court of England and Wales (like courts in many jurisdictions) has inherent jurisdiction connected with the principle of parens patriae; namely the power and duty of the state to act as guardian for those who are unable to care for themselves. A COVID-19 example arose in Ireland'...
SinceMassachusettsv.Mellonin 1923, if not before, the Supreme Court had steadfastly held to the rule that a state may not sue the federal government asparens patriaeof its citizens, since “it is no part of its duty or power to enforce their rights in respect of their relations with the ...
CONFIRMED BY ILL. SUPREME COURT-- YOU ARE VIEWING THE MOST DANGEROUS BLOG IN ILLINOIS. This blog warranted a 3 year suspension by the ARDC/Jerome Larkin! Mottos: "Sunlight is the best disinfectant". Justice Louis Brandeis ; "If the truth can destroy
(UNCRC) and the wellbeing of adults in international healthcare declarations [8], especially those adults not competent to make healthcare decisions [9]. Yet the role of best interest in medical law is relatively recent, entering largely due to links with parens patriae common law traditions ...
Childhood in the Shadow of Parens PatriaeANNE MCGILLIVRAYRoman doctrine casts a long shadow over contemporary childhood.The doctrine, principle, power, jurisdiction, concept, or ideology ofparens patriae - the state as the father of the people - is said to originatein Roman law, deriving from ...
(UNCRC) and the wellbeing of adults in international healthcare declarations [8], especially those adults not competent to make healthcare decisions [9]. Yet the role of best interest in medical law is relatively recent, entering largely due to links with parens patriae common law traditions ...