seven days a week, you can do what you bloody well choose,” Eva Wotton reminds herself at the start of Argument with the East Wind (1986), the last of Joan O’Donovan’s three novels about older single women trying to find the place in the world that fits them. “...
Winifred Gallagher, author of “How the Post Office Created America,” said the closest historical analogy is President Andrew Jackson — a self-styled populist whose portrait Trump hung in the Oval Office soon after moving in. When Jackson was elected in 1828, Gallagher said, “the...
- referred to as that in that game's manual alone - and their original homeland is stated to be in the Mushroom Kingdom, which they share with the mushroom retainers. The two races lived in peace. However, at an unknown point in time, Little Goombas betrayed their neighbors and joined ...
It was, she writes, “a queer thing” that came on top of years of queer things: finding herself an outcast in her own country (Jewish in Nazi Germany); having to uproot herself and navigate the bureaucratic and financial challenges of leaving Germany; making her way to a new country (...
Already a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Patti Smith has been roundly ignored by the Grammy folks. The closest Smith has gotten to a trophy was when she lost to Fiona Apple and Sheryl Crow, in 1998 and 2001 respectively. ...
It's been years since the Nazis invaded Max Rosen's home country of Poland. All the Jewish people, including Max's family, have been forced to live in a ghetto. At least Max and his sister, Zena, had Papa with them . . . until two months ago, when the...
Kataryn and Esther are the survivors of the four daughters of Katherine Fitch-Martin, Abby’s half-sister, and the Marine of French-Canadian origin she married. When Katherine dies in a fire, the girls are left to their closest relatives: their grandfather, his daughter Abby, and his son ...
Surface temperatures have an indirect, but significant, influence on air temperatures, especially in the canopy layer, which is closest to the surface. For example, parks and vegetated areas, which typically have cooler surface temperatures, contribute to cooler air temperatures. Dense, built-up area...