Related to Christian God: The trinitytrin·i·ty (trĭn′ĭ-tē) n. pl. trin·i·ties 1. A group consisting of three closely related members. Also called triunity. 2. Trinity Theology In most Christian faiths, the union of three divine persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, ...
ofsame-sex unions, was elected the church’sprimate, or presiding bishop. Later that year the 75th General Convention of the Episcopal Church declared “support of gay and lesbian persons as children of God.” In 2009 the 76th General Convention prohibited congregations from denying ordination ...
At Cybele’s annual festival (March 15–27), a pine tree was cut and brought to her shrine, where it was honoured as a god and adorned with violets considered to have sprung from the blood of Attis. On March 24, the “Day of Blood,” her chief priest, the archigallus, drew blood...
What to Do When You Don’t Feel ‘Christian’ Enough Chelsea Ohlemiller How to Reframe Your Resolutions around What Really Matters James Spencer How Can I Resolve to Find Work/Life Balance This New Year? Terence Chatmon What's the One Thing God Wants You to Think about Right Now?
BONUS SHOW: God and the Gay Christian EPISODE 227 Today's show features a text, a voicemail, and a conversation about what it would be like if Christians followed the Sermon on the Mount. If you want to call in to the Bonus Show, leave a voicemail at (530) 332-8020. We would love...
Christianity Today provides thoughtful, biblical perspectives on theology, church, ministry, and culture on the official site of Christianity Today magazine.
The Christian God's failure was not in calling Abraham to sacrifice Isaac but in halting the sacrifice. For if God had gathered Abraham's son to Him, then Abraham would have understood that it was not his role to obey God out of hope of mercy and compassion—but out of pure ...
AURORA Messenger of GOD.I would like to offer a different Christian view to this name than Vigilant Rogue's view.Jesus is known as the Lion of Judah which could be representative in part of Roar In AuROARa. The earth Trembles at his voice....
Christian, I believe that what God asks of us is simply to live in the here and now. The day’s own trouble is sufficient for the day. Do what you can in the moment with what you have been given, and do not second guess or lament missed opportunities. You are dust. That dust can...
Losev was one of the most representative advocates of so called onomatodoxy movement in the Russian Orthodox Church according to which the name of God is not something conventional, but God himself. His practice of so-called Jesus Prayer, or invocation of the name of God is nothing but practi...