Balto: Baltic balustrado: balustrade; banisters; parapet; railing balzama: balm; balsam balzami: embalm balzamino: balsam balzamizi: embalm balzamo: balm; balsam bambuo: bamboo bambu<!u 015d>s^osoj: bamboo shoots banala: commonplace; dismal; trite banala<!u 0135>j^o: banality; platitu...
Balto: Baltic balustrado: balustrade; banisters; parapet; railing balzama: balm; balsam balzami: embalm balzamino: balsam balzamizi: embalm balzamo: balm; balsam bambuo: bamboo bambu<!u 015d>s^osoj: bamboo shoots banala: commonplace; dismal; trite banala<!u 0135>j^o: banality; platitu...
Central Council for Jews in GermanyStefan Kramer, leader of the anti-German , upon publication of Sarrazin’s book, insisted that Sarrazin be “stripped” of all public honors and that “action” be taken against him for venting “pernicious” opinions. (Crucify Him! Crucify Him! … Sound fa...
Most of the rural population is concentrated in the southern and central parts of the European SSR; high densities of more than 100 persons per sq km are found in the Dnestr River valley and certain parts of the Ukraine. The density of the rural population is much lower in the zone of ...