TheCStandardLibrarySecondEdition-英文原版.zip TheCStandardLibrarySecondEdition-英文原版.zip 上传者:leavemyleave时间:2021-10-05 springboot287基于javaEE的校园二手书交易平台的设计与实现.zip 论文描述:该论文研究了某一特定领域的问题,并提出了新的解决方案。论文首先对问题进行了详细的分析和理解,并对已有的研究...
喜欢读"The C++ Standard Library, 2nd Edition"的人也喜欢· ··· C++ Concurrency in Action8.9 用TCP/IP进行网际互连(第三卷)8.9 Computer Vision7.6 Parsing Techniques9.3 ZeroMQ8.8 Effective Modern C++9.5 C Interfaces and Implementations9.4 Ruminations...
The C... (展开全部) The C++ Standard Library, 2nd Edition的创作者· ··· Nicolai M·Josuttis作者 作者简介· ··· Nicolai M. Josuttis is an independent technical consultant who designs mid-sized and large software systems for the telecommunication, traffic, finance, and manufacturing...
所需:7积分/C币 The_C++_Standard_Library_EN(绝对高清PDF!英文原版) 《The C++ Standard Library》 程序员必备手册! 人格保证,绝对高清PDF!请放心下载! 注:英文版的! 上传者:pannoble时间:2010-03-09 C++标准库(第二版)英文版.pdf The C++ Standard Library A Tutorial and Reference (2nd Edition)+cppst...
这是我阅读《The C++ standard library, 2nd Edition》所做读书笔记的第一篇。这个系列基本上会以一章一篇的节奏来写,少数以C++03为主的章节会和其它章节合并,一些内容较多的章节也会抽出几个独立的章节。这些博文不分析具体的应用情景,仅仅用来记录C++11新增的知识点。关于C++11知识点的详细解析,请参考C++11 FAQ...
《The C++ Standard Library, 2nd Edition》是2012年Addison-Wesley Professional出版的图书,作者是Nicolai M·Josuttis。内容简介 The Best-Selling Programmer Resource–Now Updated for C++11 The C++ standard library provides a set of common classes and interfaces that greatly extend the core C++ language. ...
比如书中介绍的第一个函数就是std::is_pointer<T>,该模板类用于检测某个类型是否为指针,如果为真则等价于true_type,如果为假则等价于false_type,其::value静态成员函数值为true或者false。 很多人会疑惑,为什么不直接将其设计为模板函数,并直接返回true或者false呢?比如: ...
The C++ Standard Library - A Tutorial and Reference, 2nd Edition describes this library as now incorporated into the new ANSI/ISO C++ language standard (C++11). The book provides comprehensive documentation of each library component, including an introduction to its purpose and design; clearly writt...
The C++ Standard Library A Tutorial and Reference (2nd Edition) C++标准库(第二版)英文版.pdf 非扫描版+源代码 Prefaceto the SecondEdition xxiii Acknowledgments for the SecondEdition xxiv Prefaceto the FirstEdition xxv Acknowledgments for the FirstEdition xxvi 1 About This Book ...