The C Programming Language的创作者· ··· 布莱恩·克尼汉作者 作者简介· ··· Brian W. Kernighan works in the Computing Science Research Center at Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies. He is Consulting Editor for Addison-Wesley's Professional Computing Series and the author, with Dennis Ritchie...
The C++ Programming Language的创作者 ··· 本贾尼 · 斯特劳斯特鲁普 作者简介 ··· Bjarne Stroustrup是C++的设计师和最早的实现者,也是《C++程序设计语言》、《带标注的C++参考手册》和《C++语言的设计与演化》的作者。他从丹麦Aarhus大学和英国牛津大学毕业,现在是AT&T大规模程序设计研究部的负责人,AT&T...
[K & R The C Programming Language 2ed.]( ## Section 4.2 > The function atof must be declared and defined c... 0 有用 经典的书 学计算机编程还是应该看外国人写的,很容易看懂,语法也很完整严谨。本书内容先进,体系合理,概念清晰,讲解详...
"Hard copy versions of the Unicode Standard have been among the most crucial and most heavily used reference books in my personal library for years." --Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming "For more than a decade, Unicode has been a foundation for many Microsoft products and te...
很多人说此书比较难读,的确如此,记得刚开始看这本书的时候,确实有些内容看不太懂,以至于让它在书架上寂寞的待上了半年,直到我有了一定的C语言基础,再次拿起这本被我冷落了许久的 The C++ Programming Language,很多以前不能理解的内容都能够看懂了,而且可以循序渐进学习下去了,其间再也没有被什么看不懂的地方所...
《The C Programming Language Exercise Answers》是一本提供《C程序设计语言》第2版习题答案的参考书籍。该书详细描述了每个习题的解答方法和思路,帮助读者更好地理解和掌握C语言编程的基础知识和技巧。通过对习题的逐一分析和解答,读者可以加深对C语言各种概念和语法的理解,提升编程能力和解决问题的能力。这本书的...
The AWK Programming Language的书评。一个人的力量总是有限的, 难免会有许多错误, 好心的网友, 如果你们想看这本书的话, 那就看我翻译的中文版好了, 如果发现有哪些地方翻译的不对的, 一定要告诉我
If you are new to programming with C and are looking for a solid introduction, this is the book for you. Developed by computer science instructors, books in the for the absolute beginner? series teach the principles of programming through simple game creation. C is not an easy language to ...
vlang/v - Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies. Supports automatic C => V translation. Clojure logseq/logseq - A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collabora...