Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to boysenberry:marionberry boy·sen·ber·ry (boi′zən-bĕr′ē) n. 1.A usually prickly shrub that is a hybrid of a western North American blackberry(Rubus ursinus)and is cultivated for its edible, dark red to nearly black fruit. ...
C. Boyle in his hilarious parody of the Kellogg sanitarium, The Road to Wellville.53 The era achieved its most peculiar realization in its wide range of electronic con- sumer technologies promising improved sexual experience. The venerable Sears, Roebuck catalog offered electrical belts to restore ...
While successive family members added to the collection, its inspiration remains Sir Robert Walpole's and, fortunately, the Hall's impressive design remains Kent's. Houghton Revisited: Walpole Masterpieces from the Hermitage When Sir Robert Walpole was hoovering up practically every old master that ca...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_H._Ryan William Henry Ryan 1860-1939 (son of my family's original emigrants Patrick Ryan, Tipperary and Margaret Brennan, unconfirmed) making William H. a first generation immigrant who served as a US Congressman for two terms 1901-1908, coinciding with ...
(Wikipedia says, "Good Germans is an ironic term...referring to German citizens during and after World War II who claimed not to have supported the Nazi regime, but remained silent and did not resist in a meaningful way.") I know I'm not contributing to any solutions. But it's a ...
Lord Burlington died on 6 January 1698 and was buried on 3 February 1698 atLondesboroughin Yorkshire. He was succeeded by his grandson,Charles Boyle, 2nd Earl of Burlington. Burlington Estate ^Wilson, Rachel, ed. (2015),"Boyle Family Tree",Elite Women in Ascendancy Ireland, 1690-1745: Imitat...
Despite consuming black-eyed peas every New Year’s day, my father’s family remained dirt-poor sharecroppers.[2]Every year, as I bring whatever black-eyed pea dish I’m making to my family table, I can’t help but wonder: just once, did a brave soul in my father’s family (possi...
A decent flick, and shows how Boyle stretched himself from competent episodic TV drama director to an exciting, filmic helmsman. As an aside, I do like how we the audience are manipulated to identify with the wrong person at every step. When David asks “Is that going to be deep enough?
The Sheep Queenis autobiographical. According toThomas Savage’s bioon Wikipedia, a lot of details about Thomas Burton’s life are the same as his. He didn’t even change the first names. I thought that the construction of the novel was a bit clumsy at times. We hear a lot about Amy ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook pallor Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia pal·lor (păl′ər) n. Extreme or unnatural paleness. [Middle Englishpallour, from Old Frenchpalor, from Latinpallor, frompallēre,to be pale; seepel-inIndo-European roots.] ...