每日一句: The bestdreamshappen when you’re awake. 最好的梦发生在你清醒的时候。 ( Cherie Gilderbloom 语录,积木译) The best dream is the life.
The best dreams happen when you’re awake. 2北京·首都机场T3航站楼 û收藏 16 172 ñ245 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 纽约尼克斯 05月16日 17:00 【🎽尼克斯球衣大对决】 (2012)圣诞节特别...
The best dreams happen when u are awake. k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û收藏 5 3 ñ41 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 李子亦 08月17日 22:46 有多少人是在健身房遇到你的bf的,你在健身房会怎么...
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Light me up when I’m down agatha_霙 气球僵尸 11 《Just Tonight》Here we areAnd I can think from all the pills HeyStart the car and take me homeHere we areAnd you’re too drunk to hear a word I sayStart the car and take me homeJust tonight I will stay,And we’ll throw ...
The desperation of Heather Langenkamp’s Nancy and her friends as they strive to stay awake to stay alive. No amount of caffeine or loud music can save you now, dreams are waiting and that’s where a maniac lurks menacingly in the dark to end your life. Yes, the whole movie is ...
They're taking this scumbag to a hearing... 要出席听证会 ...the night before his execution. 你怎么会捅出这种大篓子? How the fuck did you let that happen? 有人想再玩一回合吗? Would anyone like to play another round? “汽车旅馆”打开另一个谜题我们有什么? Let's get another puzzle, ...
When you’re exposed to light, sunlight or artificial light, it boosts alertness and reaction times, elevates your mood and keeps you awake. When the light goes away, melatonin levels naturally rise, energy subsides and sleep begins to commence. Curtail the arguing with your partner. Being ...
During an interview, the reporter ___with a question that almost stumped Mark “You’re considered a great architect. When everyone around says it can’t be done, what makes you think you can___?” After thinking a bit, Mark replied, “___. It’s a winner’s secret weapon.” 1. ...
Just like your body rotates throughsleep cycles, so do your brain waves cycle during your sleep hours. When you’re awake yet relaxed, your brain operates at an alpha frequency (that’s 8 to 12 hertz if you were wondering). However, as you start to fall asleep, your brainwaves slow to...