慶祝爸爸節+情人節,這天來到了竹北的『The BBQ House(新竹牛排名店)』,竹北店的環境非常舒適,有我最愛的挑高大落地窗,價位中等,餐點也非常美味唷!『The BBQ House』很特別的,就是可以自己挑選想要的牛排部位、選擇自己想要的份量大小,菜瓜布選的是肋眼牛排,好像是10盎司左右,將近$900元,價格不貴,但很好吃唷!
The BBQ Guest House位于巴厘岛。设施与服务 洗衣间、花园、携带宠物、语言、班车、钓鱼、潜水、皮划艇 相关条款 入住时间 从14:00时 退房时间 12:00时之前 预订取消/预付政策 不同类型的客房附带不同的取消预订和预先付费政策 请输入您的入住日期并参阅您所需的客房的条款。儿童和加床 欢迎所有年龄的儿童。最多...
How long do guests typically stay at The BBQ Guest House? Verified past guests that have stayed at The BBQ Guest House had an average nightly stay of 2 nights at this property. At what time of the year is The BBQ Guest House most popular? The BBQ Guest House's most popular month wher...
餐厅就座落在北外滩苏州河畔 有一整面超大的全景玻璃窗 可以一览无余地欣赏到外滩优雅的白天和神秘的夜景 氛围感太满分了💯 并且THE C. STEAK HOUSE 奉行“农场到餐桌”的理念 牛肉都是直接从澳洲指定百年牧场进口 再经过专业的干式熟成 和Santa Maria 明火烤炉的华氏1600度超高温炙烤锁水而成 完完全全都是牛...
The Beach House位于赫卡都瓦。在The Beach House,您可在餐厅享用到传统的赫卡都瓦美食。酒店地址 776, Galle Road Tiranagama, , 80240 希克杜沃 房型介绍 酒店的房型有标准双人间、每个客房都配有阳台, 海景, 电视, 书桌, 熨衣设备, 电风扇, 衣柜/衣橱, 淋浴, 浴缸, 卫生间, 浴室, 烧烤架 设施与服务 洗...
House Party Cocktails You could be throwing a housewarming, firing up a barbecue, having a themed Italian Night or Mexican Night, or just inviting friends around just because it’s the weekend. Whatever the reason, you’ll want great drinks at your party. A punch makes the ideal focal ...
The BBQ Centre has been supplying Barbecues since 1976 and was one of the very first official Weber dealers selling BBQs from the front of a national petrol station. Since then we have gone from strength to strength and have continued to grow. We are one of the largest, and one of the...
Maeg's BBQ Boats Rentals & Tours1.86公里 基洛纳国际机场15.9公里 查看过的酒店仍未找到合适的酒店? 查看更多基洛纳的酒店 价格说明 划线价格为参考价,该价格指商品或服务的门市价、服务提供商的指导价、零售价或该商品或服务曾经展示过的销售价等,并非原价;由于产品信息实时更新、市场价格波动等可能会与您预订时...
BBQ House OB's new App! With our app you can: - Browse through the menu & order - Receive updates and promotions - Receive exclusive discounts and coupons - Re-order your favorite items more App Privacy See Details The developer, Appfront A.I. LTD, indicated that the app’s privacy...
Instead, an annual competition selects one eatery to be featured, and the resident BBQ house is rotated every year. Burnt ends are a Kansas City invention and a must-order. They come from the fatty "point" end of a beef brisket, a cut from the lower torso, and were originally ...