这就是Scholastic大受欢迎的漫画章节书“the Bad Guys”系列,以上剧情还只是这套书的第一本,这些可爱的坏蛋英雄们好玩的故事在后面几本中层层展开,好戏连连!现已出版到最新第9本了!不仅如此,2018年,梦工厂动画公司宣布正在制作一部改编自《Th...
) though mine is still two thirds full. I actually love this iteration just as much. Though instantly familiar in many ways – even if you have never smelled CdA – can’t find the French circumflexes on my phone – pardonnez-moi – you will still know the type: that fresh, green...
, or cda, which would extend the existing indecency and anti-obscenity laws to the “interactive computer services” of the burgeoning internet age. “now, guide the senators,” exon continued his prayer, “when they consider ways of controlling the pollution of computer communications and how ...
It looks back while also suggesting a path forward, and while it doesn’t specifically name the enemy country, it’s obvious who the bad guys are and it satisfies some wish fulfillment to see us sticking it to them. That’s the kind of stuff you can’t really plan out. In a normal...
NowThe SecretOf How To Become APixie®Is Out And There Are Screaming Azn Guys And Girls Trying To Become Super-Mega-Ultra Hot Lesbian Girlz All Over The Viacad Empire Sorry About The False Dates About The Denizens I Thought It Would All Be Over Sooner Too But I Forgot About Demons. ...
You want to talk bombs, look at Wonder Woman 1984, the gross of which everyone tries to justify using a myriad of COVID or streaming excuses, but at the end of the day was nearly 1/10 of the first film domestically which is a massive drop even with all excuses considered, or The Su...
This movie is nowhere near as good as Monsters, Inc. Half the time the film was just too mean-spirited, particularly to Mike. Sulley being very arrogant and rude was just hurtful to watch since he was nothing like that in Monsters, Inc. He even cheated later on in the final competition...
” Nearly the only upright, honest man in the film is a seasoned old policeman, who doesn’t judge anyone’s sexuality, because he’s afterrealcriminals. Cops are really the good guys, the script tells us. Whereas homos are sort of like rampaging Comanches, preying upon each other and ...
So, today, I stumbled upon this: https://github.com/blocklistproject/Lists/blob/master/porn.txt Apparently, it's a list of almost ALL porn sites that exist...
Isn't that the way it is in dentistry? We have the girls/guys in the front and the girls/guys in the back. I always warn those girls/guys in the front to be careful when they say "I'll never be one of those girls/guys in the front", because one day it may happen. What ...