隐秘实体是一群特殊的实体,它们拥有着造成大规模破坏、或者制造不稳定的能力;然而,并非所有隐秘实体对人类都是有害的,尽管稀少,但也有友善的隐秘实体存在。它们中的大多数都具备特殊的性质,且它们的行为也难以理解或被解释。 以下列表将保持实时更新,以确保记录所有新发现的隐秘实体。
Backrooms Wiki on Fandom This wiki branched off from another Backrooms Wiki project on Fandom, which is still running to this day — check it out if you can! (link) Translations Hub Check out our sister sites, focused on translating and creating original Backrooms content in other languages!Tr...
Explore the Backrooms Levels normal-levels-i Entities entities Objects objects Phenomena phenomena Tales tales POI's poi-s Groups groups-list Canons canons Paradise 772 - "Origins" Five trials awaits you. Will you be able to overcome them? Level 772 by Charles Delameuh Object PT...
S-1级是Backrooms的第S-1级,是S的第一级。该级别以大量的电脑而闻名,并且包含返回前厅的少数入口之一,由于其安全性和相关的易于进入,它通常是离开后室的推荐级别。 生存难度:班级宜居 S-1层是一个看似飞机,其外观和布局类似于The Frontrooms中的大多数飞机。值得注意的是其大量的电脑,包括各种游戏。一些电脑包...
Once within the camp, the various leaders of the group—who had all been in the Backrooms since as early as 1890—would help educate individuals on various properties of The Backrooms, such as its entities, its vast catalogue of levels,10 the various objects individuals could find, and even...
Fight back against a range of hostile entities.•Choose your player - Before you enter The Backrooms, you'll have to either pick a random player or create your own, choosing your name, avatar, etc as well as choose from a list of real-world professions which each offers unique bonuses...
What are The Backrooms? What is noclipping/no-clipping? What are levels? What are entities? What are objects? What are sub-layers, and what's the difference between a sub-level and a room? When will you open Cluster 2? Is there an exit to The Backrooms? Real life Where did The Bac...
BACKROOMS 你曾经来过这里 LEVEL 475“别墅风光”(自创层级) 生存难度:0 安全不稳定敌对实体绝迹 Level 475是后室中的第476层。 Level 475外观就像是前厅里的一处度假村。描述 Level 475里有很多幢别墅,其内部还有很多设施,正常别墅里有的电视、冰箱、衣橱和马桶齐全,且能正常供电。值得一提的是,别别墅的一层桌...
Fight back against a range of hostile entities. •Choose your player - Before you enter The Backrooms, you'll have to either pick a random player or create your own, choosing your name, avatar, etc as well as choose from a list of real-world professions which each offers unique bo...