notillumined withany spark ofvitality. Let the main ideas which are introduced into a child's education be few and important, and let them be thrown into every combination possible. The child should make them his own, and should understand their application here and ...
《教育的目的/The Aims of Education》 【英】阿尔弗雷德·诺斯·怀特海(1861-1947) 著;蕲玉乐、刘富利 译;中国轻工业出版社;汉英双语版。 一本吃了三年灰的书,最近有些闲,于是看看写写;大概是今年最后一本了。 缺乏足够的意志力,所以利用集体的力量监督自己;文章和回答不能同步更新,于是先更回答,最后拷贝...
新编英语教程7unit seven the aims of education Cu lt u re i s act ivit y of t h ou g h t , an d recept iven ess t o beau t y an d h u m an e feelin g . Scraps of i n form at ion h ave n ot h in g t o d o w it h it . A m erely w ell-i n form ed...
新编英语教程7unitseventheaimsofeducation道客巴巴 Culture is activity of thought, and receptiveness to beauty and humane feeling. Scraps of information have nothing to do with it. A merely well-informed man is the most useless bore on God’s earth. What we should aim at producing is men who...
1. Culture is activity of thought, and receptiveness to beauty and humane feeling. Scraps of information have nothing to do with merely well-informed man is the most useless bore on God ’s earth. What we should aim at producing is men who possess both
The Aims of EducationThe Aimsof Education 口A.N.Whitehead 【作者简介】 A·N·怀特海(Alfred North Whitehead,1861—1947)是英国数学家、教育家、逻辑学家和20世纪40年代中期杰出的哲学家。 怀特海毕业于剑桥大学三一学院数学专业。毕业后,他先后在伦敦大学帝国科学技术学院任应用数学教授和哈佛大学哲学教授。1931...
educationaimsdispositionsvaluesdesiresprivatizes 1THEAIMSOFEDUCATIONJohnWhiteWhattheaimsofeducationshouldbecannotbedefinitivelylaiddown.Weareintheterritoryofvisionsofthegoodlife,andthesewilldiffer.InthisessayIamarticulatingapersonalvisionofeducation.Thiscannotbeseenasahandbookarticleinanymoreauthoritativesense.Butpersonalvisi...
薛莲中国科技信息薛莲.The Aims of Education: some areas of controversy教育的目的.中国科技信息.2005.148-148薛莲.The Aims of Education:some areas of controversy 教育的目的(英文)[J]. 中国科技信息.2005(10)
aimseducation译文语序eudcation语态 TheaimsofeducationTheaimsofeducationAlfredNorthWhiteheadAlfredNorthWhiteheadTranslationTranslation11、、TheyhavebeensavedfromthishorribleTheyhavebeensavedfromthishorribleburdenofinertideasburdenofinertideas..((P61L1P61L1))【【参考译文参考译文】】她们从这种无活力的概念的可怕的压她们...
of Education, 1968-1972, some peculiar patterns of incongruent distributions of equipment aid was observed and discussed - this would have been a suitable entry under The Economic Context. The article, Crucial Problems in Mathematics and Science Teaching: Language as the Medium of Instruction [Masa...