价格:面议 最小采购量:不限 主营产品:koganei小金井 pisco匹撕克 monotaro物太郎 供应商:上海岩濑国际贸易有限公司 所在地:中国 联系人:周敬芹 联系电话 点此询价 QQ咨询 买家还在看 MR-JE-100B成都三菱伺服驱动器销... burkert宝德电磁阀原装德国力士乐 ... ...
申请(专利权)人: 三菱電機株式会社 发明人: 杉田 芳樹 摘要: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a control device of an automatic transmission capable of reducing a variation in torque, when a vehicle is a high load crawling speed starting request state.;SOLUTION: This control device of the ...
申请(专利权)人: 三菱電機株式会社 发明人:杉山 竜也,酒井 瑞朗,坂邊 野花,山下 哲矢,秦 優也,村上 嘉一,近藤 陽貴 摘要: The outdoor unit for air-conditioning devices comprises: a flat, rectangular bottom that constitutes the lower portion of an outer shell; a leg that forms a gap ...
申请(专利权)人: 三菱電機株式会社 发明人:大石 一広,谷川 喜則,小泉 英明,吉川 利彰 摘要: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a vertically wind directing device and an air conditioner using it with favorable assembly workability and superior attachability and detachability preventing lowering of air...