Wnt信号通路MAPK信号通路间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)是一种多潜能成体干细胞,具有向成骨细胞分化的能力.在MSCs向成骨细胞分化中,受到多种信号通路调控,其中TGF-β/BMPs,Wnt,MAPK信号通路发挥了重要作用.而且,通过对Smad1蛋白酶体的调节,Wnt和MAPK信号可以对TGF-β/BMPs通路进行调控.在相关信号...
作为免疫耐受的关键执行者和炎症抑制剂,TGF-β限制了适应性和先天免疫系统的多种功能。TGF-β的多效性将其与主要促进组织生长的WNT、Hedgehog、Notch和酪氨酸激酶效应物区分开来。 活性细胞因子和潜在形式 根据结构和生物学标准,TGF-β细胞因子家族包括两个亚家...
田烨课题组以秀丽隐杆线虫(C. elegans)为模式动物,在神经-肠道跨组织线粒体应激反应模型中,先后鉴定到了形态发生素Wnt/EGL-20参与调控神经-肠道的线粒体应激反应【1】(Cell,2018)以及神经-生殖腺的线粒体应激信号的跨代传递【2】...
2016年07月20日讯 树突状细胞(DC)具有不同的亚群,每一亚群的DC在基因表达、组织分布、细胞因子分泌以及呈递抗原的种类方面都有明显的区别。由于所有类型的DC都是从骨髓的DC前体细胞分化而来,因子,IRF、HLH、BATF、ETS、STAT等家族转录因子对DC各亚型的分化具有关键的作用。此外,最近的研究指出,notch、wnt、TGF-b...
TGF-β and CTGF are Mitogenic Output Mediators of Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling in Desmoid Fibromatosis[J] . Sumi Varghese,Danielle A. Braggio,Jessica Gillespie,Amanda E. Toland,Raphael Pollock,Joel Mayerson,Thomas Scharschmidt,Obiajulu H. Iwenofu.Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morpholo . ...
Cross-inhibition between TGF beta and Wnt pathways in the Trabecular Meshwork through Smad4-beta-catenin interaction •TGFβ/Smad signaling overactivation and canonical Wnt signaling inhibition have been implicated in the pathology of POAG.•TGFβ/Smad signaling and c... HC Webber,J Bermudez,A ...
皮肤与衰老 | Coupling of cuticle and aging: Numerous conserved signaling pathways play critical roles in aging, including insulin/IGF-1, TGF-b, and Wnt pathways. Some ofthese pathways also play prominent roles in the formation and maintenance of the extracellular matrix. The nematodeCaenorhabditis ...
Other classification of our interests that were not included in the GO analysis but closely correlated with carcinoma progression including extracellular matrix-degrading enzymes, collagens, laminins, integrins, WNT pathways, and cancer and/or epidermal stem cell markers were listed in Supplementary ...
We used an in vitro system to enrich for intestinal epithelial stem cells to discover that Wnt5a inhibited proliferation of these cells. Surprisingly, the effects of Wnt5a were mediated by activation of transforming growth factor- (TGF-) signaling. These findings suggest a Wnt5a-dependent ...