对于计算能力2.0及更高的设备,使用cudaArraySurfaceLoadStore标志创建的CUDA数组(在Cubemap曲面中描述)可以通过曲面对象或曲面引用使用曲面函数中描述的函数进行读写。 Surface Object API 使用cudaCreateSurfaceObject()从struct cudaResourceDesc类型的资源描述创建一个表面对象。 下面的代码示例将一些简单的转换内核应用到纹...
6.6.4 Texture and surface memory Texture memory is accessed through two sets of special functions: • Texture Reference API and • Texture Object API for compute capability 3.x and above devices. When a kernel calls one of these functions to read texture memory, it performs a texture fetch...
1.the surface of a material, esp as perceived by the sense of touch:a wall with a rough texture. 2.(Textiles) the structure, appearance, and feel of a woven fabric 3.the general structure and disposition of the constituent parts of something:the texture of a cake. ...
Second, there may be no natural map from the texture space to the object surface and consequently the texture is subject to severe distortion when mapped. The third and probably the most important problem is that texture mapping is memory intensive, both in terms of capacity and bandwidth [BA...
1 What is Texture memory in CUDA? NVIDIA最初设计纹理单元是为了服务于经典OpenGL和DirectX渲染流程,但纹理内存所具有的特性在其他通用计算中也非常有用。 与constant 内存一样,纹理内存也缓存在芯片上,因此在某些情况下,它会对片外DRAM的内存请求更小,提供更高的有效带宽。具体来说,纹理缓存为空间局部性内存访问...
除非使用 D3DDEVCAPS_TEXTURESYSTEMMEMORY 设置 DevCaps,否则不允许在池类型为D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM纹理的情况下使用 SetTexture。 要求 展开表 要求值 目标平台 Windows 标头 d3d9helper.h (包括 D3D9.h) Library D3D9.lib 另请参阅 GetTexture GetTextureStageState IDirect3DDevice9 SetTextureStageState...
The following steps describe how to access the shared memory in the render thread. The steps show how to use both the read and write operations. Define the start of the scope for the frame in the Texture Share session: FTextureShareInterface::BeginFrame_RenderThread(ShareName.c_str())...
A new OpenGL ES texture object is created and populated with the SurfaceTexture image frame that was current at the time of the last call to detachFromGLContext(). This new texture is bound to the GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES texture target. This can be used to access the SurfaceTexture image...
TextureMemoryBarrierAccessAndQueueInfo TextureMemoryBarrierInfo TextureViewCreateInfo TextureUpdateRegion TextureExtent TextureSubresLayers VertexAttribute Viewport Namespace Summary Math ModelHelper ShadowParams Type Alias Summary GPU扩展能力 Query Overview glGetString vkEnumerateDeviceEx...
fixes various memory leaks potential leak by releasing surface when destroyed potential activity leak when streaming videos over HTTP(S) (thanks to @koral) potential activity leak caused by AudioManager on Android pre-6.0 devices (thanks to @hzsweers) ...