"Senora Mike, I'm hungry and I hope you don't mind if I just quickly eat this great toasted cheese sandwich." I said, "Go ahead, Paco." Paco sat down and finished his sandwich. Paco had then noticed our two visitors. Of course, our two visitors noticed Pac...
这是多么明亮的早晨。 这是照耀着金色的太阳光的早晨。 这是多么快乐的夏天的早晨。 这是多么明丽的溪流。在它两岸的草地上和山坡的树林里,在这夏天的早晨,有一群又一群的小野花们走出来了。 看呵,有一群金银花的小孩子,他们抱着一束又一束雪白的花朵;风吹起来了,他们挥着花束,风...
My label (text description) for my check box is displaying above the checkbox. How do I align the label (text) to the right of my checkbox? note: i've tried to apply various styling but to no avail ... <fieldset submitButton="false" autoRun="true"> Filte...