2005. The use of snake venom-derived compounds for new functional diagnostic test kits in the field of haemostasis. Pathophysiol. Haemost. Thromb. 34, 234–240.Schoni, R. ( 2005 ) The use of snake venom-derived compounds for new functional diagnostic test kits in the field of haemostasis ...
In the meantime, it has also been possible to reduce fertilisation, watering and thinning to a minimum in the mixed groups, thus proving their suitability for low-maintenance ground-cover purposes.%Mischpflanzungen aus verschiedenen Staudenarten und -sotten sind meist attraktiver und auch pflege...
Relative antioxidant activities of these substances with respect to resorcinol were determined in different ways on the basis of inhibition times. The limits of the calculated values of relative activity based on the Briggs-Rauscher reaction are the same as those obtained with other analytical ...