4 years or 50,000 mi, whichever comes first Battery & Drive Unit 8 years or 120,000 mi, whichever comes first See Details Other Owner's Manual Compare Models Model 3 Design yours or get a trade-in estimate for your current vehicle. Order NowGet an Estimate...
Model 3 benefits from the same features that make our other vehicles so safe: energy-absorbing side sills, a fortified battery pack mounted low in the vehicle to reduce rollover risk and a metal body structure that can withstand many times the car’s weight. Active safety features like automat...
In addition, we are introducing the Model 3 Standard Range Plus, which offers 240 miles of range, a top speed of 140 mph, 0-60 mph acceleration of just 5.3 seconds and most premium interior features at $37,000 before incentives. For 6% more money, you get 9% more range, more power,...
Model 3: Ordering, Production, Delivery package pricing, financing, leasing, production and delivery schedule, reservation maps Threads 5.2K Messages 297.6K S Lease questions 39 minutes ago spoonito Model 3: Driving Dynamics performance, drivetrain, traction/stability control, brakes, suspension, tires...
The Tesla Model 3 comes in many different flavors: Performance, All-Whell Drive, and Standard or Long Range. Current Model 3 available go from 250 miles to 322 miles of range.
中型车,尺寸:4694/2088/1443mm,轴距:2875mm。国产Model 3长续航后轮驱动版车型NEDC续航668km,成为Model 3车系续航最长的车型。预计2020年6月起开始交付。
Model 3 的设计完美诠释了“超前”二字,极简的程度甚至超过了它的前辈 Model S/X 。 首先,Model 3 没有车钥匙。 每辆Model 3 配有两张钥匙卡片,你可以用它刷卡开门、启动车辆。 Model 3 的钥匙卡 但平时你可能很少会用到它(除非你要把车借给别人开),因为还有一种更方便的“钥匙”——手机。 Model 3 ...
这是Model 3的驾驶模式调节界面。1、扭矩响应增益(加速)Model 3有轻松和标准两种加速模式,而且不同...
Welcome to Tesla Motors Club Discuss Tesla's Model S, Model 3, Model X, Model Y, Cybertruck, Roadster and More. Register Want to remove ads? Register an account and login to see fewer ads, and become a Supporting Member to remove almost all ads. Streaming live today at 1PM PST, we...
2。2018年买车时,Model S 基本可以保证会把更多选配件纳入标配,或者是升级更大电池。 所以现在的情况就变成: $12500 的差价,能否左右你选择Model S还是Model 3 首发版? 所以个人认为,对于普通人而言,$35000起的 Model 3 或者$44000 不考虑税收优惠其实更加实际,反之如果你看上的是Model 3首发版,不妨多看一眼...