13In terms ofthe Southern Levant, we have different examples of these traditions: Megiddo VA,14Tell el-‘Ureyme,15Beer-Sheba V,16the discussed evidence from the city of Tell el-Far’ah North.17The best examples of the role of luminal space assumed by the gateare Tell Dan18and Tell el...
Love is as Strong as Death… Jesus and the Canaanite Mother No Comments August 13, 2023 Matthew 15:21-28 The passage from Song of Songs comes to mind for me this week: Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love is strong as death, passion fierce as th...
译文示例:"What's that?" said Jowan. "No", said his master, "Give it to me, and I shall tell you." "Take it then", said Jowan. Then his master said: "Take care that you do not leave the old road for the new road." ↔ "Pandr'yw hedna?" en-medh Jowan. "Na", en-med...
3. Tell el-Dabˁa and its immediate surrounding areas in the first half of the Second Millennium BCE 4. Observations on cycles of change, resilience, and adaptation strategies 5. Conclusions CRediT authorship contribution statement Declaration of Competing Interest Acknowledgements ReferencesShow full...
Ham was the father of the Hamitic peoples. These, biblically speaking, can be categorized as the African peoples (commonly known today as the Blacks), some of the south Arabs of Yemen and Oman, and also the Canaanites who lived in present day Israel, Lebanon, and North Africa (t...