Teleflora's Hidden Garden Bouquet $49.99Buy NowTeleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet with Roses $74.99Buy NowTeleflora's Blue Daydream Bouquet $39.99Buy NowMake a Wish Bouquet $64.99Buy NowTeleflora's Whimsical Wonders Bouquet Just For You $84.99 ...
Make someone smile with this bright yellow happy face mug filled with cheery fresh flowers! A great way to say happy birthday, cheer up, thanks, you make me happy, or feel better soon. Supplies are limited in some areas, and an alternate mug may sometimes be substituted if necessary. (Fl...
«Very good service, always up to expectations, beautiful flowers at a very good price» MJ Chap «I placed the order via internet, fast delivery in am. great service, thank you» Benoit Potvin «Very quickly, at the reception I received a great wonder and thanks for the qualit...
These flowers really are no exception, they smell fabulous. I have them sitting right by me, so I can get the full effect. I love the pitcher these flowers are in, so colorful, and Springful. The bouquet is only $54.95, but goes up (depending on size you pick) and is so full of...