Document:用户可以在文档上附加一个外置的USD摄像头,比如文档摄像头,以投射到他们的观众 如何从Camera Feature中使用内容呢? 在meeting中点击“共享内容”图标,然后在下拉菜单中单击“Content from Camera”,如下所示: 选择你想分享的内容:Whiteboard、Document还是Video,如下所示: 如果以White Board为例,点击Share,如...
现在可以将内容相机与Microsoft Teams 会议室系统配合使用。 内容相机与特殊的图像处理软件和白板交互,使演示者能够在模拟白板上绘图并与远程参与者共享内容。备注 若要将此功能用于Teams 会议室设备,需要向设备分配Microsoft Teams 会议室专业版许可证。 有关详细信息,请参阅Microsoft Teams 会议室许可证。
Microsoft Teams: Content from camera “Content from camera” in Teams enables you to share content from physical artefacts such as whiteboards and documents in a high quality and legible way during meetings. All you need is a laptop or PC with an in-built camera or with an attached USB cam...
Microsoft Teams: Content from camera “Content from camera” in Teams enables you to share content from physical artefacts such as whiteboards and documents in a high quality and legible way during meetings. All you need is a laptop or PC with an in-built camera or with an attached USB cam...
We are installing a Teams room for a customer with a content camera pointed at whiteboard wall. Normally this is pointed toward a white board. ...
For this setup, we recommend you use a USB-connected document camera. Start the meeting. In the meeting controls, select Share content. Select Content from camera and choose Document. Using the preview screen to guide you, place your camer...
"uid":3972291,"depth":1,"hasGivenKudo":false,"subscribed":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:MicrosoftTeams"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:3957370"},"subject":"Re: Looks like the \"share content from camera\" option has been removed in the...
无疑第一个功能是这次更新的重点内容,也是一个革命性的功能,微软称之为Content Camera,至于这是一个什么东西,我想用虚拟现实白板来描述最为恰当!虽然在Teams PC Client中有共享电子白板功能,如果没有可触控电脑加手写笔的加持单靠鼠标去书写就感觉非常鸡肋,体验太差了。那么有没有可能在普通的白板或者白纸上用笔书写...
Rotate Content Camera 180 degreesOn OffNoTeams Rooms on Windows ThemingTeams Rooms on Windows Default No theme Custom List of built-in themesYesTeams Rooms on Windows SeeManage Microsoft Teams configuration on Surface Hubsfor more options to configure Surface Hubs. ...
Use a content camera in Teams meetings Keep participants’ attention on whiteboards, printed documents, and other physical objects during a Teams meeting with a content camera, now supported in the new Teams. To learn more, seeShare whiteboards and documents using your camera in Microsoft Teams ...