日本NB直线轴承代理商SM8sUU。 IKO导轨_滑块LRX20R1260HS1。 日本OZAK法兰直线轴承L60ADJ 日本NB轴承SGL20TFB2-1000 英国RHP轴承23032CAME4S11 英国RHP轴承6915 美国AURORA航空杆端轴承HXAM-10TM-500 COOPER轴承03EBCP2300GRLAB 美国RBC机身控制轴承SMLG22 3237943-1WD轴承 英国Gamet(盖米特)磨床专用轴承经销商101041...
2.4. Optimization of Pred MS-Loaded Quatsome A 23 factorial design experiment was conducted where the independent variables were the QAS type (X1), QAS: CHO molar ratio (X2), and sonication time (X3) at two levels in the design of the formulation, while the dependent variables were the ...
(12) TypTey-IpIe-II x = 4x; =y 4=; 1y =(31) (3) triclitnriiccl,inPic-,1P-1 9.94986.9/91.49260./13/12283.1/3.128435./11/18484.61.8244 89.901/81.851/86.24 Type-II Txy=pe4-;IyI = 1 (7) x = 4;tryic=lin1ic(,7P) -1 t99r.0i8c.50l32in//i19c28,..31P08-521//1943...
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