所属专辑:精灵法语丨听写吧 DICTÉES 声音简介 Ordonnance (n.f.)法令;条例 Périmètre (n.m.)周界线;区域 Décréter (v.t.)颁布;宣布 Quinquennat (n.m.)五年任职期 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 琦琦的Carla 620 简介:假文艺小青年...
Treatment of stroke and other acute neural degenerative disorders using postpartum-derived cells US20100215714 2010年8月26日 Ethicon, Incorporated Treatment of stroke and other acute neural degenerative disorders using postpartum-derived cells... DJ Messina,SK Mistry,LSK Hong,... - WO 被引量: 57...
Objective:This study aims to explore the incidence and clinical features of acute pancreatitis (AP) in patients with type 2 diabetes diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in the emergency department and discuss the predictive value of some pathological indicators for AP in DKA. Methods:Inpatient medical data ...