TDEE计算器 - 卡路里和BMI计算器 🔥 免费总每日能量消耗(TDEE)计算器帮助您根据基础代谢率(BMR)和活动水平估算您每天消耗的卡路里。了解您的TDEE对于实现减重、保持或增重等健身目标至关重要。 功能: 使用Mifflin-St Jeor方程计算TDEE和BMR。 提供BMI分数及分类。 为减重或增重提供个性化卡路里建议。 支持公制和...
TDEE Calculator(每日消耗卡路里计算器)是一款帮助用户估算每日总能量消耗的iOS健康应用,通过输入身高、体重、性别、年龄和活
For adults, a BMI in the range of 18.5 - 24.9 is considered healthy[1] Learn how we calculated thisbelow scroll down Add this calculator to your site On this page: TDEE Calculator How to Calculate Total Daily Energy Expenditure TDEE Formula ...
BMI, BMR, TDEE CalculatorVous aimerez peut-être aussi TDEE Calculator° Forme et santé LifeCal - BMI Calculator Forme et santé Besoin journalier en calories WaterMe: Boire De L'eau Forme et santé
TDEE Calculator calculates your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) based on your activity level as well as Basal Metabolic Rate BMR and Body Mass Index BMI
TDEE + BMR + BMI Calculator • TDEE Calculator - Learn How Many Calories You Burn Every Day! Calculate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE), the number of calories you burn per day. • BMR Calculator - Calculate Basal Metabolic Rate
Don’t confuse TDEE with Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) or Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). These two represent energy expenditure if youlay in bed all day and did nothing. How do I measure my TDEE and calorie intake? Use the calculator above. It uses the most common variables. ...
TDEE calculator helps you calculate total daily energy expenditure as per age, height, weight and activity level. Besides TDEE calculations, it also shows BMR, BMI, LBM, FBM, Macros and the amount of calories you need to burn in a day....
Use our TDEE Calculator to determine your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Accurately calculate calories needed for weight loss, muscle gain, or maintenance with IIFYM
function calculateBMR(height, weight) { const bmi = weight / (height * height); const bmr = 655 + 13.75 * bmi + (2.203 * bmi ** 3); return bmr; } // 计算每日消耗热量(TDEE) function calculateTDEE(bmr, targetWeight, timePerDay) { ...