当本端收到远端发来的RST后,内核已经认为此链接已经关闭。 此时如果本端应用层尝试去执行读数据操作,比如recv,应用层就会收到Connection resetby peer的报错,意思是远端已经关闭连接。 如果本端应用层尝试去执行写数据操作,比如send,那么应用层就会收到Broken pipe的报错,意思是发送通道已经坏了。 这两个是开发过程...
NWTcpConnection 屬性 C# 閱讀英文 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 共用方式為 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 列印 參考 定義 命名空間: NetworkExtension 組件: Xamarin.iOS.dll 如果連線失敗,則取得導致連線失敗的錯誤。 C# publicvirtualFoundation.NSError Error { [Foundation.Export("error")]get; } ...
实际上,TCP 连接在Linux 内核中是一个名为struct socket的结构体,该结构体的内容包含 TCP 连接的状态...
I am seeing a couple of errors/warnings on startup: [] nw_connection_copy_connected_path [C2] Client called nw_connection_copy_connected_path on unconnected nw_connection [] tcp_connection_is_cellular No connected path This is running on...
log.Println("listener.Accept error:", err)continue}gohandleConnection(conn) } }funchandleConnection(conn net.Conn){deferconn.Close()varbuffer []byte= []byte("You are welcome. I'm server.")for{ time.Sleep(3*time.Second) n, err := conn.Write(buffer)iferr !=nil{ ...
拔服务器端网线测试,客户端设置keep alive时,recv较快返回0, 先收到ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)错误码,其后都是ETIMEOUT。 2、an error returned from connect(), so it can only occur in a client (if a client is defined as the party that initiates the connection _ 110 ETIMEDOUT_ +Connectio...
Errors in server Event Log when attempting to connect to an Ethernet device using TCP: 10013 10053 10054 10058 10060 10061 10065 10038 In the server Event Log, it shows: Socket error occurred connecting. | Error = 10061, Details = '
_ 111 ECONNREFUSED Connection refused 1、拒绝连接。一般发生在连接建立时。 拔服务器端网线测试,客户端设置keep alive时,recv较快返回0, 先收到ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)错误码,其后都是ETIMEOUT。 2、an error returned from connect(), so it can only occur in a client (if a client is def...